Grades (Kansas v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This educational entity represents an overall score or assessment tied to a course over a period of time (i.e., the grading period). Student grades are usually a compilation of marks and other scores.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

Action Trigger

When a grade is posted to a Grading Task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type and marked as State Reported:

  • Standards do not report to Ed-Fi.
  • Does not send when the Course is marked Inactive (not marked Active) or State Excluded.
  • Does not send when the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • Does not send when the student's Enrollment is in a School marked as Exclude.
  • Does not send when the student's Enrollment is marked as No Show or State Exclude.
  • Checks to see when the student has a Student Section Association in the Ed-FI identity Mapping table before sending.
    • When the Student Section Association exists, continues with processing the record to Ed-Fi.
    • When the Student Section Association does not exist, the record goes to the Error Log with a message stating: Student (First Name Last Name, Ed-Fi ID) does not have a Student Section Association record for the course (Course Number Course Name). This record must exist before Grades can be sent.
  • The Grading Task must be mapped to a Grading Period to report.
    • Reports to the Grading Period that overlaps the Term to which the grade is Posted.
    • The end date of the Grading Period must be on or after the Term Start Date and on or before the Term End Date based on the Term to which the grade is posted.
    • When the Grade is aligned to more than one Grading Period that overlaps the Term, the grade reports to all eligible Grading Periods.

When a grade is updated on a Grading Task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type.

Delete When a grade is deleted from a Grading Task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type.

When the Student Section Association record is deleted for the school in which the grades are associated.


When any field that is part of the Natural Key is changed.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.


Business Rule

None When a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends.
Delete When a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent and an action is performed that would trigger a delete, that data remains in the ODS until a resync is done.
Resync When a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
Resync When a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
Resync When a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync is needed to reflect the changes.
Resync When the Rubric is changed after mapping, a resync is needed to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Action Trigger

Natural Key change: When the Natural Key of the Grading Period Reference or Student Section Association changes, a delete/post occurs.

Delete/Post When the Grade Type Descriptor is changed or removed.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Grades post to the scope year to which the course's calendar is aligned.

  • Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label Mapping Needed
Grading Tasks Grade Type Descriptors

Identity Mapping Object Key


Object Key Data Source

GradingScore - Section - Term - EdFiGradingPeriod scoreID - sectionID - termID - gradingPeriodID

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action


gradingscore.score Post/Put/Delete The primary table used for sending data for this resource.
gradingTask Post/Put/Delete The primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Grades resource.

Data Element Label Business Requirement and Rules Mandatory, Conditional or Optional


id The unique identifier of the resource. M
gradeTypeDescriptor The type of grade (e.g., Exam, Final, Grading Period, Progress Report).
  • Reports the Ed-Fi Code from mapping for the Grading Task or Rubric.
  • When the grading task or Rubric is not mapped, does not report.

Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks


gradingPeriodReference A reference to the related GradingPeriod resource.
  • Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Grading Period to which the Grading Task or Standard is aligned:
    • Only reports to Grading Periods that are aligned to the Term Schedule in which the grade was posted.
A reference to the related Student Section Association resource.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student Section Association resource.

currentGradeAsOfDate As-Of date for a grade posted as of the current grade.
This field is optional and does not report.
currentGradeIndicator An indicator that the posted grade is an interam grade for the grading period and not the final grade.
This field is optional and does not report.
diagnosticStatement A statement provided by the teacher that provides information in addition to the grade or assessment score.

This field is optional, does not report.


A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

When a Grading Task is mapped to an Ed-Fi code of Final: Final and the student is assigned a grade mapped to a grading task with Final Grade, reports the grade regardless of roster end date.

When no grade is mapped to final grade, do not report.

Note: Sends a final grade when a student drops from a section in the first term of a section that spans multiple terms and a grade has been assigned after the student has dropped.


Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score

Letter Grade

numericGradeEarned A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

When a Grading Task is mapped to an Ed-Fi code of Final: Final and the student is assigned a grade mapped to a grading task with Final Grade, reports the grade regardless of roster end date.

When no grade is mapped to final grade, do not report.

Note: Sends a final grade when a student drops from a section in the first term of a section that spans multiple terms and a grade has been assigned after the student has dropped.


Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score

Numeric Grade

The performance base conversion assessed for the student. O
learningStandardGrades An unordered collection of gradeLearningStandardGrades. A collection of learning standards associated with the grade.

Reports an item for each grading score that meets the following criteria:

  1. Grading score is associated to a learningStandard.
  2. Grading score is associated to this natural key (same person, section, termDescriptor, gradeTypeDescriptor, gradingPeriodDescriptor, and gradingPeriod sequence).
O Scheduling > Course > Standards


Number of college credits earned for dual credit courses and concurrent enrollments.
When the College/Career Type is one of the following, the College Credits Earned value reports: 
  • C - CTE Approved Program/ College Credit
  • D - Dual Credit
  • L - CTE not Funded in Approved Program/College Credit
  • R - CTE Dual Credit NOT Approved Program or Pathway

Otherwise, does not report.


Section Information > Custom Data Fields > College/Career Type

Section Information > Custom Data Fields > College Credits Earned


firstInstructionalDay The first day of migrant student instruction or services for the current term.
When the student has a Migrant record overlapping the current configuration year,the first instructional date reports based on this logic:
  1. Determine the current term based on the current  date.
    • When the Roster Start Date is populated, that date is used.
    • Otherwise, use the Enrollment Start Date.
  2. Compare this Date to the first day of the current term.
    • When it is prior to the first day of the current term, report the Start Date of the current term instead.
    • Otherwise, reports the Date.
  3. Otherwise, does not report.

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Indicator

Student Information> General> Enrollments> Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date

instructionalMinutesCompleted The number of minutes completed by a migrant student for each course upon exit.

When the student has a Migrant record overlapping the current configuration year and the student has exited the course early and been assigned a letter grade, the total number of instructional minutes completed for the student reports from the first instruction date to the last instruction date, minus any absences. 

Otherwise, does not report.


Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Indicator

Grading and standards > Score Groups & Rubrics

lastInstructionalDate The last day of migrant student instruction for the current term.

When the student has a Migrant record overlapping the current configuration year and when the Course Status is '01', '02' or '04', the last instructional date based on this logic reports:
  1. Determine the current term based on the current date
    • When the Enrollment End Date and Roster End Date are both populated, use whichever date is earlier. 
    • Otherwise, use the date that is populated.
  2. When the compare date is after the last day of the current term, reports the End Date of the current term.
  3. When the compare date is before the last day of the current term, reports  the compare Date.

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Indicator

Student Information> General> Enrollments> End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > End Date

Student Information > General > Walk In Scheduler > Roster End Date

Grading and standards > Score groups & Rubrics


This field indicates a Work-based Learning course.

When a Work-Based Learning value is selected on the Course associated with the Section being reported, the mapped Ed-Fi code value reports. 

Otherwise, when the Work-Based Learning field is blank or not mapped to an Ed-Fi Code, this field reports as null.


Scheduling > Courses > Work-based Learning


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Data Element Label

Business Requirements and Rules

Mandatory, Conditional or Optional



A performance level that describes the student proficiency. 

  • Reports the Ed-Fi Code from mapping for the Rubric List Item.
  • When not mapped, reports null.
O Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubric
letterGradeEarned A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance for a learning standard as submitted by the instructor.
Determine whether the posted score is an integer or not:
  • When the posted value is not an Integer, reports the posted score here.
  • When the posted value is an Integer, reports in the Numeric Grade Earned field below.
O Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score
numericGradeEarned A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance for a learning standard as submitted by the instructor.
Determine whether the posted score is an integer or not:
  • When the posted value is an Integer, reports the posted score here.
  • When the posted value is not an Integer, reports in Letter Grade Earned field above.
learningStandardReference The identifier for the specific learning standard (e.g.,
Reports learningStandardID


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Grade Type Descriptor

Code Value Description Namespace Short Description
Final Final uri:// Final
Semester Semester uri:// Semester
Exam Exam uri:// Exam
Grading Period Grading Period uri:// Grading Period

Grading Period Descriptor

Code Value Description Namespace Short Description
First Nine Weeks First Nine Weeks uri:// First Nine Weeks
First Semester First Semester uri:// First Semester
First Trimester First Trimester uri:// First Trimester
Fourth Nine Weeks Fourth Nine Weeks uri:// Fourth Nine Weeks
Second Nine Weeks Second Nine Weeks uri:// Second Nine Weeks
Second Semester Second Semester uri:// Second Semester
Second Trimester Second Trimester uri:// Second Trimester
Summer Semester Summer Semester uri:// Summer Semester
Third Nine Weeks Third Nine Weeks uri:// Third Nine Weeks
Third Trimester Third Trimester uri:// Third Trimester

Work-Based Learning Descriptor

Code Value Description Namespace Short Description
Internship/placement (business/industry/community)
Internship/placement (business/industry/community)
03 Youth registered apprenticeship
Youth registered apprenticeship
04 Simulated work-based experience (school district)
Simulated work-based experience (school district)
05 Entrepreneurship/ownership
06 Service learning
Service learning