Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Core v3.X)
Last Modified on 12/16/2024 9:47 am CST
Tool Search: Ed-Fi
This association represents the Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | The student must have a Student School Association record in the configured year and meet the following EL record criteria: - The student has a EL Program Status = 'EL'.
- The student has a EL Program Status = 'Exited EL' and the First Year Monitoring or Second Year Monitoring dates overlap a configured year. Use today's date to determine their status.
- Use the Program Exit date as the start date and the First Year Monitoring date as the end date to determine the student's status.
- Use the day after the First Year Monitoring date as the start date and the Second Year Monitoring date as the end date to determine the student's status.
- Do not send a record if the student's Second Year Monitoring date is before the configured year.
- Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
- Do not send a record if enrollment is in a school marked as Exclude.
- Do not send a record if enrollment is marked as No Show.
Delete/Post | When any field part of the natural key is changed: |
Put | When any field not part of the natural key is changed: - End Date
- englishLanguageProficiencyAssessments
- languageInstructionProgramServices
Delete | All enrollments are deleted for a student. |
Delete | If the student's enrollment is marked as No Show. |
Delete | If the student's EL record is no longer eligible to report based on Identified Date, Exit Date or EL Status. |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | If a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send. |
Resync | If a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | If a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | If a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post/Delete | Natural Key changes: - LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent. If a district number changes, we would expect an Ed-Fi error and this change would not be supported.
- If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
- If the Program Name or Program Type Descriptor mapping changes and a resync is completed.
- If the Identified Date of the EL program record changes.
Delete | Cascading Deletes: N/A there are no dependent resources. |
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Business Rules |
The record will send to any year the EL record overlaps with if the student has an enrollment in that year. |
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration. |
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Monitored Descriptor | Exited, First Year Monitoring Exited, Second Year Monitoring |
English Language Proficiency Assessments | Assessment Type |
Proficiency Descriptor | Student's Test Result Status is = Passing Student's Test Result Status is = Not Passing |
Language Instruction Program Service Descriptor | EL Services |
Select the Program Type Descriptor associated with this Program | Program Type Descriptor |
Identity Mapping Object Key
Campus Object Type | Object Key Data Source |
LEP | lepID |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
lep | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table for sending data |
lep | Put | End Date |
lep | Put | Monitored Descriptor |
test testlistitem testscore | Put | Proficiency Descriptor |
lepservice | Put | English Learner Participation |
lepservicetype lepservice | Put | Language Instruction Program Service Descriptor |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Student Language Instruction Program Association resource.
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
id | The unique identifier of the resource. |
| M |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services. | Reports the Identified Date of the EL record being reported. | M | Student Information> Program Participation> English Learners (EL)> Identified Date | lep.startDate |
educationOrganizationReference | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Report the State District Number.
| M | System Administration> Resources> District Information> State District Number | district.number |
programReference | A reference to the Program Resource. | Reports the Natural Key for the Program. | M |
studentReference | A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student. | Reports the Natural Key for the Student resource. | M |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services. | Reports the Program Exit Date of the record being reported. | O | Student Information> Program Participation> EL> Program Exit Date | lep.exitdate |
| Results of yearly English language assessment. | See Array section for Details. | O |
englishLearnerParticipation | An indication that an English Learner student is served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds. | - Report 'True' if the student has an EL Services record that overlaps the configured year.
- Reprt 'False' if the student has a service and the 'Parent Refused' checkbox is checked.
- Report 'False' if the student does not have a service or the service record does not overlap the configured year.
| O | Student Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services | lepservice |
languageInstructionProgramServices | Indicates the service(s) being provided to the Student by the Language Instruction Program. | See Array section for details. | O |
reasonExitedDescriptor | This descriptor defines the reason a student exited a program. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
servedOutsideRegularSession | Indicates whether the Student received services during the summer session or between sessions. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
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English Language Proficiency Assessments
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
monitoredDescriptor | Student is monitored on content achievement who are no longer receiving services. | - Report the following when the student has an LEP Program Status = Exited LEP and the LEP Exit Date falls in the monitoring period and the Monitoring option is mapped in the preferences.
- Report the code mapped to First Year Monitoring if today's date is on or between the EL Exit Date and the First Year Monitoring date.
- Report the code mapped to Second Year Monitoring if today's date is after the First Year Monitoring date and on or before the Second Year Monitoring date.
- Else, do not report.
| O | Student Information> Program Participation> English Learners (EL) > First Year Monitoring or Second Year Monitoring | lep.firstyearMonitoring OR lep.secondYearMonitoring |
participationDescriptor | Field indicating the participation in the yearly English language assessment. | - Report the mapped descriptor from the Reason Code selected on the student's assessment record.
- Use the assessment logic in the Proficiency Descriptor field logic below to determine which test result to use.
| O | Student Information> Assessments> Reason Code | testscore.reasonCode |
proficiencyDescriptor | The proficiency level for the yearly English language assessment. | - Report the mapped descriptor based on the mapped results on the student's assessment record.
- Look at assessments that have a type that is mapped in the English Language Proficiency Assessments mapping.
- The student's assessment date must overlap the configured year.
- The student must have a result on the test.
- If the result is blank or the student does not have an eligible test, report blank.
- If the student has more than 1 eligible test that overlaps the configured year, use the test with the most recent test date.
- If the dates are the same, the last test to send will appear in the ODS.
| O | Assessment> Test Setup> Assessment Type Assessment> Test Setup> Result> Passed Student Information> Assessments | test.assessmentType
testscore.result |
progressDescriptor | The yearly progress or growth from last year's assessment. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
schoolYearTypeReference | The key for School Year. | Reports the end year of the configured year. | O |
school Year |
Language Instruction Program Services
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Data Source GUI Path | Database Field |
languageInstructionProgramServiceDescriptor | Indicates the service being provided to the student by the Language Instruction Program. | Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the service the student is assigned to that overlaps the configured year.- If the service is not mapped, do not report.
| M | Student Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services
| lepservice |
primaryIndicator | True if service is a primary service. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
serviceBeginDate | First date the Student was in this option for the current school year. | Reports the Service Start Date. | O | Student Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services> Start Date | lepservice.startDate |
serviceEndDate | Last date the Student was in this option for the current school year. | Reports the Service End Date. | O | Student Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services> End Date | lepservice.endDate |
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Monitored Descriptor
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Year 1 | Year 1 | uri:// | Year 1 |
Year 2 | Year 2 | uri:// | Year 2 |
Not Monitored | Not Monitored | uri:// | Not Monitored |
Participation Descriptor
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Completed | Completed | uri:// | Completed |
Attempted | Attempted | uri:// | Attempted |
Did Not Take | Did Not Take | uri:// | Did Not Take |
Unable Due To Medical Emergency | Unable Due To Medical Emergency | uri:// | Unable Due To Medical Emergency |
Proficiency Descriptor
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Not Proficient | Not Proficient | uri:// | Not Proficient |
Proficient | Proficient | uri:// | Proficient |
Progress Descriptor
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
No Progress | No Progress | uri:// | No Progress |
Proficient | Proficient | uri:// | Proficient |
Progress | Progress | uri:// | Progress |
Language Instruction Program Service Descriptor
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Dual Language | Dual Language | uri:// | Dual Language |
Two-Way Immersion | Two-Way Immersion | uri:// | Two-Way Immersion |
Transitional Bilingual | Transitional Bilingual | uri:// | Transitional Bilingual |
Developmental Bilingual | Developmental Bilingual | uri:// | Developmental Bilingual |
Heritage Language | Heritage Language | uri:// | Heritage Language |
Sheltered English Instruction | Sheltered English Instruction | uri:// | Sheltered English Instruction |
Structured English Immersion | Structured English Immersion | uri:// | Structured English Immersion |
SDAIE | SDAIE - Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered In English | uri:// | SDAIE - Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered In English |
Content-Based ESL | Content-Based ESL | uri:// | Content-Based ESL |
Pull-Out ESL | Pull-Out ESL | uri:// | Pull-Out ESL |
Other | Other | uri:// | Other |