Local Education Agencies (Texas v4.0)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This entity represents an administrative unit at the local level, which exists primarily to operate schools or to contract for educational services. It includes school districts, charter schools, charter management organizations or other local administrative organizations.

Reports the District Information for a school.

Object Triggering Logic

PostPost all Districts populated in the District table.
  • A resync must be completed for all Districts to post but a UI change will trigger the reporting District to post.
PutWhen fields not part of the natural key are changed: District Name, Phone or Physical Address is changed.
Delete Records are never deleted once they are sent.

Resource Preferences & Toggle/Resync Logic

ActionBusiness Rule
NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS and no new data sends.
ResyncIf an Ed-Fi Code mapping is changed to a new code or made NULL, a resync must be performed for the data to be updated in the ODS.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

ActionBusiness Rule
Delete/PostNatural Key changes
  • If the LEA ID changes all dependent resources will be deleted and only reposted if the new LEA ID has claim to the district to send data.
DeleteCascading Deletes: If the Ed-Fi District Number or State District Number changes, all dependent resources will be deleted.
Dependent ResourcesStudent Education Organization Associations, Graduation Plans, Programs, Student Program Associations, Student CTE Program Associations, Student Special Education Program Associations, Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations, Student Homeless Program Associations, Student Language Instruction Program Associations, Student Migrant Program Associations, Student Neglected or Delinquent Program Associations, Student School Food Service Program Associations, Cohorts, Student Cohort Associations, Staff Cohort Associations

Scope Year Logic

Business Rules
Districts are not aligned to a year so all Districts send to each scoped year.
  • Data only send for the years that have a valid configuration.
  • A resync must be completed on the resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Local Education Agencies resource. Required data elements are listed in bold.

Data Element Label
Business Requirement
Business Rules
M, C or O



The unique identifier of the resource

addressesAn unordered collection of educationOrganizationAddresses. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
  1. Reports the Physical Address.
    • Does not report if blank.
  2. See Array information below for field logic.
CategoriesAn unordered collection of educationOrganizationCategories. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

Always report 'Local Education Agency'.

EducationOrganization Identity ColumnReport the District Number entered on the Connection Credentials screen.
  • If NULL, report the Ed-Fi District Number.
    • If the Ed-Fi District Number is NULL, report the State District Number.
MSystem Administration > Resources > District Information




A reference to the related EducationServiceCenter resource

This is optional, does not report.

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

This is optional, does not report.

A reference to the related StateEducationAgency resource.

This is optional, does not report.

accountabilitiesAn unordered collection of localEducationAgencyAccountabilities. This entity represents an administrative unit at the local level, which exists primarily to operate schools or to contract for educational services. It includes school districts, charter schools, charter management organizations or other local administrative organizations.

 This is optional, does not report.

A school or agency providing free public elementary or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature or other appropriate authority and designated by such authority to be a charter school.

 This is optional, does not report.

federalFundsAn unordered collection of localEducationAgencyFederalFunds. Contains the information about the reception and use of federal funds for reporting purposes.

 This is optional, does not report.

identificationCodesAn unordered collection of educationOrganizationIdentificationCodes. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

 This is optional, does not report.

institutionTelephonesAn unordered collection of educationOrganizationInstitutionTelephones. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
  1. Reports the Phone Number for the District.
    • Does not report if blank.
  2. See Array information below for field logic.
internationalAddressesAn unordered collection of educationOrganizationInternationalAddresses. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups

This is optional, does not report.

The category of LEA / District (e.g., Independent or Charter).

Always report 'Independent'.

nameOfInstitutionThe full, legally accepted name of the institution.

Reports the Name.

MSystem Administration > Resources > District Information

The current operational status of the education organization (e.g., active, inactive).

This is optional, does not report.

shortNameOfInstitutionA short name for the institution.

 This is optional, does not report.

webSiteThe public web site address (URL) for the educational organization.

 This is optional, does not report.

TotalNumSchoolBoardRequestsIndicates the total number of requests submitted outside of a school
board meeting by a member of the district's board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC §11.1512

OTX State Reporting > TSDS Extract Editor > Total Number School Board Req
TotalCostSchoolBoardRequestsIndicates the total cost to the district with fulfilling requests submitted
outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district's board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC §11.1512

OTX State Reporting > TSDS Extract Editor > Total Cost School Board Req
Indicates the internet website link for LEAs to provide their Family Engagement Plan document.Reports the Family
Engagement Plan Link.
OSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > District Detail > Family Engagement Plan Link
ArmedServicesVocAptBatteryDescriptorIndicates whether a school district or open-enrollment charter school
provides students in grades 10 through 12 an opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test or a comparable substitute.
Reports ASVAB.OSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > ASVAB
ProgramOfStudyIndicates a program of study the LEA offers. A program of study is a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare a student for postsecondary education and career success.

See Array information below for field logic.

GiftedTalentedProgramsIndicates a gifted and talented program the LEA has established that is consistent
with the state plan developed under TEC §29.123.

See Array information below for field logic.

ChildCareOperationNumbersIdentifies the operation number of the childcare facility, which participates
in a formal partnership with a local education agency, wherein students are dually enrolled in the childcare facility and a local education agency.

See Array information below for field logic.



Array Data Elements

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Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness Rules

M, or O

giftedTalentedProgramDescriptorA gifted and talented program the LEA has established that is consistent with the state plan developed under TEC §29.123.
Reports mapped Gifted Talented Program Ed-Fi Code.
System Administration > Resources > District Information
programOfStudyDescriptorIndicates a program of study the LEA offers. A program of study is a comprehensive,
structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare a student for post secondary education and career success.
Reports mapped Gifted Talented Program Ed-Fi Code.
System Administration > Resources > District Information
childCareOperationNumberIndicates a program of study the LEA offers. A program of study is a comprehensive,
structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare a student for post secondary education and career success.