Updated Articles

  1. Indiana Ed-Fi Data v2.4/3.1 - Staff Section Associations

    This article provides information on the Staff Section Associations resource for Indiana Ed-Fi.
  2. CALPADS SELA Import

    This article provides information on using the SELA Import.
  3. Preapproval Requests - Video

    Some activities need preapproval before they can be created. This video shows this preapproval process using the Preapproval Requests tool.
  4. Classroom - Video

    Teachers using Classroom can view curriculum at a glance and navigate between tools while staying within the context of their classroom. In this video, you will learn how to enable Classroom and navigate between tools.
  5. Section 504 (Oregon)

    This article provides information on entering Section 504 records for Oregon districts.
  6. Student Academic Records (Indiana v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Student Academic Records resource for Indiana Ed-Fi.
  7. Staff Education Organization Assignment Association (Indiana v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource for Indiana Ed-Fi.
  8. SR (Student Residence) (Indiana)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the SR (Student Residence) report.
  9. CRDC - EXPD: School Expenditures (Personnel and Non-Personnel) Questions

    This article provides information on CRDC EXPD Questions.
  10. HM01 Homeless Report (Nevada)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the HM01 Homeless Report.