Updated Articles

  1. Truancy (Maine)

    This article provides information on entering and managing Truancy records.
  2. Growth Factor Report (Kentucky)

    Understanding and generating the Kentucky growth factor report
  3. Teacher Course Assignment Reports - Teacher Course Entry (Illinois)

    This article provides information on the Illinois Teacher Course Entry Report.
  4. Section Course TCS Report (Rhode Island)

    This article provides information on generating the Section Course TCS Report.
  5. Positive Attendance Section Summary Report

    This article describes the Positive Attendance Section Summary report, which reports attendance by hours per term.
  6. Student Address Report (Illinois)

    This article describes the Student Address Report for Illinois districts.
  7. Education Organization Interchange (TSDS) (Texas)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Education Organization Interchange.
  8. Student Interchange - EOY Adjustments (Colorado)

    Provides information on generating the EOY Adjustments Report.
  9. Student Course (GN) (Ohio)

    This article describes generating and reviewing the Student Course (GN) extract.
  10. EIS 046 Student Disciplinary Action Extract (Tennessee)

    This article describes generating the EIS 046 Student Disciplinary Action extract including reported logic and fields.