Updated Articles

  1. PIMS Course Instructor Template (Pennsylvania)

    This article provides information on generating the PIMS Course Instructor Template.
  2. Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template (New Mexico)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Staff Template & Staff Snapshot Template.
  3. CALPADS Student Program (SPRG)

    This article provides information on generating the CALPADS Student Program Extract.
  4. GPA Calculations (California)

    This article provides information on California GPA calculations.
  5. Truancy (Ohio)

    This article describes using the Truancy tab in Ohio.
  6. Transcript (Maine)

    Maine-specific field definitions for Transcript.
  7. Locations (Core v3.X)

    This article provides information on the Core Ed-Fi version 3.1 Locations resource.
  8. Student Education Organization Association (Core v3.X)

    This article provides information on the Core Ed-Fi version 3.1 Student Education Organization Association resource.
  9.  Single Day Count Attendance Letters - Video

    The Attendance Letter Wizard walks the user through the creation of an attendance query and a letter format. In this video we will create a single day count attendance letter template.
  10.  Score Analysis - Video Updated

    The Score Analysis tool allows teachers to view a score distribution graph and student scores on an assignment and visually break down how each student scored. In this video, teachers can learn how to analyze student scores using the Score Analysis tool.