Popular Articles

  1. Student Transportation (Oklahoma)

    Describes the transportation tool including localized fields for Oklahoma.
  2. Delete a Counseling Meeting

    This article describes deleting a counseling meeting.
  3. POS Account Messenger - Video

    The POS Account Messenger is used to create and send customized food service messages.
  4. Recurring Payments Report - Video

    Staff can see who has recurring payments set up, the payment type, payment frequency, remaining balances, and inactive and deleted recurring payments using the Recurring Payments Report.
  5. Enter teacher-scored assessment data in Campus Instruction - Simulation [.2231 - .2335]

    The Standardized Test tool allows teachers to enter assessment scores for teacher-scored standardized tests. In this lesson, a teacher needs to enter student scores in the Standardized Test tool.
  6. Staff Processing - Video

    Online Registrations are reviewed and processed in the Staff Processing tool. X70O2yZq ...
  7. School Master

    This article provides procedures for storing school-level business administration information for use within the Human Resources application.
  8. SIRS Course Instructor Assignment (New York)

    This article provides the logic and layout for the Course Instructor Assignment Template.
  9. CTE (Montana)

    CTE Concentrator information specific to Montana.
  10. Sandbox Refresh

    District Technical Support Contacts can request sandbox refreshes using the  Manage Updates tool, which can be accessed by clicking Update Requests within the Support Portal.  The following users are limited to sandbox refreshes and cannot init...