Popular Articles

  1. Campus.2008

  2. Early Childhood (Michigan) Updated

    This article describes generating the Early Childhood extract, as well as report logic and fields.
  3.  Generate Section Templates - Video

    Districts with complex schedule structures can use section templates to define when these section meet. The generate section template wizard can make this go a little faster if you know how you want your sections placed for a template group.
  4. Creating Resources - Video

    Using Resources, teachers can provide students and parents additional content related to their course. In this video you will learn how to share curricular content with students assigned to your course sections.
  5. End of Serving Period Setup Requirements

    Procedures for the end of serving period functionality to balance the cash drawers,
  6. Section Rosters Import

    Article describes using the Import Wizard to import district-level student roster information into a State Edition of Campus.
  7. NASIS Programs

    This document provides information on NASIS Programs tools.
  8. Student Course Grade (FR) (Ohio Extracts)

    This article describes generating the Student Course Grade (FR) extract including reported logic and fields.
  9. Create New Identity [.1917 - .2108] - Video

    Creating a new identity record is recommended when a change is made to a person’s demographic data, such as a change in last name. This new identity allows for historical information to be maintained. This video demonstrates how to create a new identity
  10. School Store Summary Report

    This article provides detailed information about the School Store Summary Report.