Updated Articles

  1. Emergency Contact

    This document provides information on entering emergency contact information into an Online Registration application.
  2. Non-Enrolled Children

    This document provides information on entering Other Household Non Enrolled Children information into an Online Registration application.
  3. Assign Fees

    Tool Search: Fees
  4. Print a Student's Fee Statement

    Tool Search: Fees This report generates a PDF in a format that can be folded and mailed to a person's primary address. The Fee Statement provides a list of totals, including the number and value of all fees incurred, the district-determined fee max...
  5. Categories (School Store) [.2211 - .2247]

    This article provides information and detailed instructions for setting up School Store and Activity Registration Categories.
  6. Orders Report [.2211 - .2247]

    This article provides detailed information about the Orders Report.
  7. Sales [.2211 - .2247]

    This article provides general information about the Sales report.
  8. Release Information

    Overview Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications and regulated changes prior to accepting an update. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate dist...
  9. School Store Summary Report [.2215 - .2247]

    This article provides detailed information about the School Store Summary Report.
  10. Campus Mobile Payments Setup

    The Campus Mobile Payments app, available for Android and iOS devices, allows districts who use the School Store to enter credit/debit card purchases in real-time at school or district events.