Updated Articles

  1. Refunds Mode (Fee Audit Report)

    This article provides the procedures for generating the Fee Audit Report in Refunds Mode.
  2. Assignments Mode (Fee Audit Report)

    Procedures for generating the Fee Audit Report in Assignments Mode.
  3. Fee Audit Report

    Provides information on generating the Fee Audit Report.
  4. Surplus Mode (Fee Audit Report)

    This article provides procedures for generating the Fee Audit Report using the Surplus Mode.
  5. Payments Mode (Fee Audit Report)

    This article provides procedures for generating the the Fee Audit Report in Payments Mode.
  6. Fee Maximums Setup

    This article provides information about setting fee maximums.
  7. Fees (Student)

    Provides information about the student's Fees editor.
  8. Exempt or Unexempt Fee Assignments (Fees Wizard)

    This article provides information on exempting or unexempting student fee assignments.
  9. Fee Receivable Summary Report

    This article provides procedures for generating the Fee Receivable Summary Report.
  10. Student Entry

    This document provides information on entering student data into an Online Registration application.