Popular Articles

  1.  Condition Setup - Video

    The Condition Setup Tool is used to manage a list of Health Conditions that can be assigned to and tracked for students.
  2. Status by Weekday (Insights)

    Status by Weekday displays a count of absent and tardy attendance events (by students with an Attendance GRAD Score between 50-100) broken out by day of the week.
  3. Staff Roster Extract (Massachusetts)

    Information on generating and understanding the Staff Roster Extract.
  4. Ed-Fi v3.X - Student School Association Resource Preferences

    This document provides information on setting the Ed-Fi v3.1 Student School Association Resource Preferences.
  5. Special Ed Dates (Ohio)

    This document describes the fields available on the Special Ed Dates Tab for Ohio and how these fields are used for state reported purposes.
  6. Programs (Core v3.X)

    This article provides information on the Core Ed-Fi version 3.1 Programs resource.
  7. Medicaid Service Detail Report

    This document provides information about generating the report of services provided for Medicaid.
  8. SIRS Course (New York)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the SIRS Course Template.
  9. Students Without Lockers

    This document provides information on generating the Students without Lockers Report.
  10. Suspensions by Event Type (Insights)

    Suspensions by Event Type displays a count of suspension days assigned students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50-100 per behavior event type.