Popular Articles

  1. Batch Queue Admin Tools

    Information on understanding Batch Queue Admin functionality.
  2. Schedule Wizard: Add or Delete Sections - Video [.2431 and previous]

    Using the Schedule Wizard, course sections can be added or deleted manually or automatically. This video demonstrates the different ways to build and edit courses in the Schedule Wizard.
  3. General Information (Personnel Master)

    This article provides the process and procedures for using the General Information tab in the Personnel Master.
  4. GPA Calculations (California)

    This article provides information on California GPA calculations.
  5. Household Application Report

    This article provides procedures for running the Household Application Report.
  6.  Custom Form: Add Rules - Video

    This video demonstrates how to define rules for a custom form.
  7. Record intervention delivery time via the Roster - Simulation [.2231 - .2339]

    In this simulation, the user will learn how to record data from an intervention session using the Roster tool in Campus Instruction.
  8. Behavior Removal Report

    This article provides information generating the Behavior Removal Report.
  9.  Staff Planner - Video

    How to use the Staff Planner to specifiy rooms, courses and periods into which a teacher can be scheduled.
  10. Recommended Resync Order (Wisconsin v3.6)

    the following article provides information for the Wisconsin Recommended Resync Order.