Popular Articles

  1. CALPADS Staff Demographics (SDEM)

    Provides information generating the CALPADS Staff Demographics Extract.
  2. CRDC - ENRL: Enrollment Questions

    This article provides information on CRDC ENRL Questions.
  3. Special Ed Progress Option Setup

    This document describes managing the list of progress options.
  4. School Store Ideas - Video

    This video demonstrates creative uses of the School Store districts have implemented. ...
  5. Scheduling Prep: Add/Adjust Courses For Future Calendar - Study Guide

    After the upcoming calendar has been created and courses rolled forward, updates may need to be made to course, section and teaching staff information
  6. Import Student Information via the Feeder Import Wizard

    This document provides information on using the Feeder Import Wizard to import census data for students in feeder districts.
  7. Custom Tool Placement Editor - Video

    The Custom Tool Placement Editor allows users to determine where in the new navigation custom tools should live.
  8. ISBE Extracts: ISBE Student Demographics and Enrollment Extract (Illinois)

    This article provides information on generating the Illinois ISBE Student Demographics and Enrollment Report.
  9. Course Audit Report

    This article describes using the Course Audit Report to review the differences in grading setup between course masters and their associated courses.
  10. Student Discipline Incident Associations (New Mexico v3.5)

    This article provides information on the Student Discipline Incident Associations resource for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.