Popular Articles

  1. School Store Setup - Study Guide

    The School Store tools allow staff to set up stores for every school in the district, create products and categorize them, and establish product types and align them to fund accounts for district or school level payments . School Store Setup ...
  2. Removing People from a Household Application

    This article provides procedures for removing people from a household application.
  3. PLP Template Banks

    This document describes creating the template banks used in PLP documents.
  4. Cafeteria Serve Setup (Application Manager)

    Procedures for setting up Cafeteria Serve.
  5. RTI Batch Setup

    This article describes how to mass assign RTI plans to a group of students using the RTI Batch Setup tool.
  6. Discussions (System Administration)

    This article describes the Discussions tool available in System Administration.
  7. Tool Rights (Resources)

    Information on available Resources tool rights.
  8. Content Security Policy

    This tool allows district administrators to control their district's Content Security Policy.
  9. MN v3.3 - Student Language Instruction Program Associations

    This article provides information on the Minnesota Ed-Fi v3.1 Student Language Instruction Program Association resource.
  10. Configure assignment filter defaults in Grade Book - Video [.2231 - .2335]

    The Assignment Filter Defaults tool allows teachers to configure a default assignment filter for Grade Book. This video demonstrates how to configure a default assignment filter.