Updated Articles

  1. Staff Section Associations (Indiana v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Staff Section Associations resource for Indiana Ed-Fi.
  2. Scheduling Components (Oregon)

    This article provides information for entering scheduling related information for Oregon districts.
  3. Student Academic Records (Arizona v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Student Academic Records Resource for Arizona.
  4. Staff History Upload (Montana)

    This article describes the layout of the Montana Staff History upload file.
  5. ISEP Update and Publish to Districts

    This article provides information on the ISEP Update and Publish to Districts tool available in the BIE State Edition.
  6. Grades Analysis Report

    The Grade Analysis Report groups transcript scores by credit and course and translates these scores into percentiles so users can easily understand the distribution of student performance relative to each credit/course.
  7. Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)

    Provides information on the Missouri Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations resource.
  8. Title 1 (North Carolina)

    This article provides information on Title 1 records for North Carolina districts.
  9. Student Discipline Incident Associations (Arizona v3.6) [.2331 - .2427]

    This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enf...
  10. Test Accommodations Report (Kansas)

    This document provides information on the Test Accommodations Report for Kansas districts.