Updated Articles

  1. Add Supporting Documents to an Evaluation

    This article provides procedures for adding supporting documents to an evaluation.
  2. About Evaluation Workflows

    Detailed information about Evaluation Workflows.
  3. Review and Complete an Employee Evaluation

    This article provides procedures for reviewing and completing an employee evaluation.
  4. Add Categories to the Category Bank

    This article provides procedures for adding Categories to the Category Bank.
  5. Staff Evaluations

    This article provides overview information about Staff Evaluations.
  6. Define Upload Types

    This article provides procedures for setting up upload types. Once set up, evaluators and direct reports may add supporting documents to an evaluation.
  7. Preview a Sample Evaluation

    This article provides procedures for previewing a sample evaluation.
  8. Administrative Options (Staff Evaluations)

    Overview of procedures for Staff Evaluation administrators.
  9. Evaluation Statuses

    This article provides detailed information about Evaluation Statuses.
  10. Export/Import Categories from a CSV File

    This article provides procedures for using the Import and the Export to CSV buttons to quickly import new category elements.