Updated Articles

  1. Ed-Fi v3.X - Student Academic Record Resource Preferences

    This document provides information on setting the Ed-Fi v3.1 Student Academic Record Resource Preferences.
  2. EIS 051 Student End of Service Extract (Tennessee)

    This article describes generating the EIS 051 Student End of Service extract including reported logic and fields.
  3. Race/Ethnicity (Minnesota)

    This article describes Race/Ethnicity logic for Minnesota users.
  4. Identities

    This article provides information on People Identity information.
  5. Section Standards Report

    This article describes the Section Standards report, which reports standards aligned to sections.
  6. KEES (Kentucky)

    Understanding and generating the Kentucky KEES report.
  7. Independent Study Setup (California)

    This article [rovides information on setting up independent study courses for California districts.
  8. Student Gifted Education (GG) (Ohio)

    This article describes generating the Student Gifted Education (GG) extract including reported logic and fields.
  9. Student Daily Attendance Template (New Mexico)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Student Daily Attendance Template.
  10. Student Assessment (TSDS) (Texas)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Student Assessment Interchange.