Updated Articles

  1. Individual Education Plan (Idaho) Updated

    This document describes the editors available in the Idaho IEP.
  2. Special Education State Reporting (Georgia) Updated

    This article provides information on tracking Special Education information for reporting in Georgia districts.
  3. READ Extract (Colorado) Updated

    This article provides information on generating the READ Extract.
  4. Work-Based Learning (California) Updated

    California-specific Work-Based Learning information.
  5. Class Size Average (K-12) Report Updated

    Provides information on generating the Class Size Average (K-12) Report.
  6. Section Student Detail (Arizona) Updated

    This article provides information on entering Arizona specific data to the Section Student Detail tool.
  7. Online Applications Updated

    Tool Search: Online Applications We're trying something new in the knowledge base. Please give us your feedback ! Use the Online Applications tool to view, manage, and process Meal Benefit or Educational Benefit applications submitted...
  8.  Mailing Labels Report - Video

    Mailing labels can be generated for students, course sections, guardians, teachers, staff and district staff.
  9. Schedule Counseling Meetings Updated

    This document describes scheduling a meeting, including entering details, participants, and outcomes. Includes creating recurring meetings and saving participant lists as filters.
  10. Google Drive Configuration Updated

    This article describes using the Configuration tool to enter information gathered from a district's Google Apps for Education developer console.