Updated Articles

  1. Behavior Resolution Report

    This article provides information on generating the Behavior Resolution Report.
  2. Calendar GPA

    This document provides information on associating a custom GPA with a calendar.
  3. Calendar Override Setup

    This document provides information on using the Calendar Overrides tool for School Choice.
  4. Academic Plan (Campus Student)

    This article provides information on on the Academic Plan tool in Campus Student.
  5. Report Service (SSRS)

    Information on enabling and managing the SSRS Report Service tool.
  6. Verification Summary (District)

    This article provides information on analyzing data synchronization results between district and state-level records.
  7. County Setup

    Information on managing counties within Campus.
  8. Course Rules

    This document provides information on the Course Rules tab.
  9. Roster (Section)

    This document provides information on viewing the roster for a single section.
  10. School Boundaries Override Setup

    Provides information on using Override Types for School Choice.