Popular Articles

  1. CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters

    This article provides information on CRDC APIB Ad Hoc Filters.
  2. Medicaid

    Student information Medicaid tools allow users to track insurance information, services provided to the student and a log of services. Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. The federal...
  3. CRDC - DIND: COVID-Related Directional Indicator Questions

    This article provides information on CRDC COVID-Related Directional Indicator Questions
  4. Edit or delete a Roster Verification event - Video

    Certain information for roster verification events can be edited. This video demonstrates how to edit or delete a roster verification event.
  5. Pre-Identification 2014 Extract (Ohio)

    This article describes generating the Pre-Identification 2014extract including reported logic and fields.
  6. Assign a Product Security Role - Video [.2231 - .2411]

    Product Security Role assignments grant administrator access to the selected Infinite Campus product including rights to all tools and calendars within that product.
  7. Digital Equity (Missouri)

    This article provides information on adding Digital Equity records for Missouri districts.
  8. Attendance Register Report (Oklahoma)

    This article describes generating the Attendance Register extract including reported logic and fields.
  9. Disciplinary Offense Extract (Connecticut)

    This article provides the report layout and logic for the Disciplinary Offense Extract.
  10. Mark Fee Assignments Uncollectible (Fees Wizard)

    This article provides information on marking fees as uncollectible.