Popular Articles

  1. Campus Learning Usage - Video

    The Campus Learning Usage tool allows participating districts to evaluate how teachers are using the premium Campus Learning offerings, such as student instructions and various types of file attachments and student submissions.
  2. View Score Analysis from Grade Book Tools - Simulation [.2231 - .2415]

    The Score Analysis tool can be used to view a score distribution and student scores on an assignment to review how each student scored. In this lesson, a teacher will review scores using the Score Analysis tool.
  3. Immunization Rules (Pennsylvania)

    This article describes the immunization rules for Pennsylvania.
  4. Students by Assessment Proficiency (Insights)

    The Students by Assessment Proficiency counts the number of assessments a student received a particular result on. This allows you to look for areas where each student struggled and target subject-level interventions for these individual students.
  5.  Custom Module Setup - Video

    This video demonstrates how to use the Custom Module Setup tool to create custom contact logs and custom forms.
  6. Student File (C) Extract

    The Student File (C) Extract reports basic information for students enrolled in a school during the current school year.
  7. Event Certification

    Information on viewing and certifying data certification events published from the state.
  8. Copy Categories

    This article provides the procedures for copying Categories.
  9. Immunization Rules (Arizona) Updated

    This document describes the vaccine and compliance rules for Arizona.
  10. Account Security Preferences (Staff) - Video

    The Account Security Preferences tool provides districts the ability to automatically generate user accounts for staff members.