Popular Articles

  1. Campus Data Suite Overview - Video

    This video provides a brief introduction of the tools included in Campus Data Suite. ...
  2. State Person Identity Verification Report (BIE)

    Information on understanding and generating the State Person Identity Verification Report.
  3. Daily Health Log

    This article provides information for using the Daily Health Log tool.
  4. Automatically Importing and Updating Contacts (Remote Dial-In)

    Instructions for automatically importing and updating contacts for remote dial-in.
  5. Calendar (Minnesota)

    Describes Calendar fields specific to the state of Minnesota.
  6. TEAMS Teacher Class Extract

    This article provides innformation on the TEAMS Teacher Class Extract.
  7. Enrollments (Illinois)

    Describes the enrollment editors for Illinois districts.
  8.  Locker Schedule Wizard - Video

    How to mass assign lockers to students.
  9. CRDC - PENR: Program Enrollment (Gifted & Talented, Dual Enrollment, Credit Recovery) Questions

    This article provides information on CRDC PENR Questions.
  10. Surplus Mode (Fee Audit Report)

    This article provides procedures for generating the Fee Audit Report using the Surplus Mode.