Popular Articles

  1. Fees (Student) - Video

    A student’s fees can be assigned, paid, and managed using the Fees tool. fQ8OQ6yt 7FJLtOwu ...
  2. Manage Custom Counseling Meetings Fields in the Attribute/Dictionary

    This article describes using the Attribute/Dictionary to create options for various Meetings fields.
  3.  Calendar Details - Video

    How to enter calendar detail information.
  4. Student Interchange (TSDS) (Texas)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Student Interchange.
  5. Survey Messenger - Video

    This video demonstrates how to use the Survey Messenger.
  6. Release Pack Campus.2016 - April 2020

    This article collects all of the release notes for cases included in the Campus.2016 release pack.
  7. Tool Rights for Terminal Management and Configuration

    Understanding and assigning terminal management tool rights.
  8. Open Rooms Report

    This document provides information on generating the Open Rooms Report.
  9. Ed-Fi Setup Checklist (Nebraska) Updated

    This checklist will walk you through the necessary steps needed to run Ed-Fi in Nebraska.
  10. Enrollment Roll Forward (Kentucky)

    Information on what fields roll forward when rolling forward Enrollment records using a Kentucky version of Campus.