New Articles

  1. Ed-Fi Data (Nebraska v3.6)

    The following article provides information regarding Ed-Fi v3.6 in Nebraska.
  2. Discipline Incidents (Wisconsin v3.6)

    this article provides information on the Discipline Incidents resource for Ed-Fi reporting in Wisconsin.
  3. Online Registration for New Students - Video

    Campus Online Registration allows you to complete forms required to enroll your children in school. This video provides a guide for parents to use online registration for new registrations.
  4. Course Offerings (Indiana v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Course Offerings resource for Indiana Ed-Fi.
  5. Setting Up the Data Extract Client to Utilize the Pull Delivery Mode

    This article walks you through the steps needed to properly configure and setup up the process for saving Data Extract reports to other machines via a Data Extract Utility Client.
  6. Pupil Count (Wisconsin)

    This article provides information on the Pupil Count tool for Wisconsin.
  7. PIMS Staff Template (Pennsylvania) [.2247 - .2327]

    This article provides information on generating the PIMS Staff Template.
  8. Student School Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

    the following article contains information for the Student School Associations resource for Ed-Fi reporting in Wisconsin.
  9. Release Pack Campus.2331 - July 2023

    Jump to State-Specific Notes Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes care...
  10. Campus.2331