Cross-Site Enrollment Release Notes

Campus.2423 Release (June 3, 2024)

As of the Campus.2423 Release Pack, Cross-Site Enrollment is now considered generally available. All updates  to functionality are included in the main Campus Release Packs.

Campus.2419 Release (May 6, 2024)

Campus Instruction

Incorrect Cross-Site Icon Added in Seating Charts (SIS-177917)
Previously, the Cross-Site icon displayed next to students' names in seating charts if they were not placed in the chart, even if they did not have Cross-Site enrollments. This has been corrected. 

Path: Instruction > Students > Attendance > Seating Chart


Cross-Site Enrollment - Serving School to Home School Messages (SIS-174560)
A new Notification Settings side panel is now available to list staff members who should receive messages about changes to the Serving School calendar. For any student with a roster record at the Serving School, messages are sent to the listed staff members when the Serving School modifies the calendar day (e.g., the Period Schedule or School Day/Instruction/Attendance checkboxes are changed). Calendar changes made using the Day Rotation tool also trigger a message to be sent.

A Default Sender Email Address must be entered on the Email Settings tool.
Path: Cross-Site Enrollment > Cross-Site Enrollment Setup

Campus.2415 Release (April 8, 2024)


Cross-Site Enrollment - Home School Option to Print Serving School Day Rotation, Period Schedule (SIS-174545)

Day Rotation and Period Schedules reports can now be generated for Home School users when viewing the list of Serving schools in the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool.

  • Day Rotation prints the Calendar Report of the Serving School, highlighting non-instructional days, non-school days, and the period schedules assigned to each day.
  • Period Schedules prints the period schedule of the Serving School, with the name, start and end times, lunch time, and non-instructional periods.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Cross-Site Enrollment > Cross-Site Enrollment Setup

Cross-Site Enrollment - Updates to Cross-Site Enrollment Tools (SIS-174581)
The following updates have been made to Cross-Site Enrollment tools. See the Cross-Site Enrollment content on the Knowledge Base for detailed information on the Cross-Site Enrollment functionality.

Course Masters
Push All Course Masters tool now includes an option to push cross-site data to courses and sections. Cross-Site is also included in the Pushed Data column in the Batch Queue List grid.

Enrollments for Cross-Site

Cross-Site Enrollment records are auto-generated as a Partial enrollment. This is a locked value, meaning neither the Home School nor the Serving School can modify the Enrollment Service Type to another option.

Cross-Site Enrollment Setup

  • A new Batch Edit Section Setup option has been added to the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool. This batch option allows the updating of Max Students, Cross-Site Max Students, Cross-Site Instructional Setting and Offer Section values for ALL sections included in the filtered list of courses that are available for cross-site enrollment, instead of modifying those values one section at a time.
  • Warnings have been added when disabling sections at the Home School AFTER they have been shared with the Serving School. 
  • Course Sections in non-instructional periods can now be mapped for Cross-Site. 
  • Responsive course sections are not eligible to be mapped for Cross-Site Enrollment. 
  • Once a section is mapped and enabled for Cross-Site, its placement cannot be modified unless it is disabled first. This also applies to the Scheduling Board. 
  •  Courses cannot be disabled as a Cross-Site Course when students are scheduled into the sections of those courses. 
  • When mapping courses from a Serving School for the first time, unique course numbers are required. To address this, the Mapped Course Number and the Mapped Course Name fields are editable. Course Numbers can be up to 13 characters. 

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Cross-Site Enrollment > Cross-Site Enrollment Setup

Campus.2411 Release (March 11, 2024)

Campus Student & Campus Parent

Cross-Site Enrollments on Campus Student and Campus Parent (SIS-175424)

The following updates have been made to Campus Student and Campus Parent to support Cross-Site Enrollments:

  • Updated schedules to show for both Serving and Home School enrollments on the Home screen, Calendar, and Schedule, based on Portal Options. The schedule was also updated to accommodate situations where classes do not meet at the Serving School, such as when an instructional day at the Home School is a non-instructional day at the Serving School.
  • Added the Cross-Site icon to next to Cross-Site Enrollments wherever they display.
  • Added links between the Home School and Serving School on the Grades tool.
  • When a term at the Serving School ends during a term at the Home School, Cross-Site courses display as Ended instead of Dropped.
  • Addressed an issue where the Grades tool did not load if Terms were not enabled for all calendars in which the student was enrolled.
  • Updated the Attendance Code that displays when the Serving School reports attendance from Unknown to Pending.

Path: Campus Student, Campus Parent

Grading & Standards

Cross-Site Grade Mapping (SIS-174387)

This release includes tools that facilitate Home Schools receiving grades from Serving Schools by mapping Score Groups, Rubrics, Grading Tasks, and Standards.

These tools map data automatically whenever possible. For example, if the Home and Serving schools use the same Score Groups for grading or follow a similar quarter-based schedule, grade mapping information auto-populates. Where grading setup differs, follow this 3-step process to map grades:

  1. Map score options between Score Groups and/or Rubrics to indicate the corresponding grade at the Home School based on the grade received at the Serving School.
  2. Establish default Score Groups so that if a specific Score Group is used at the Serving School, a default Score Group will be used at the Home School.
  3. Review the Course Grading Tasks and Course Standards tabs at the Home School to establish any additional grade mapping that wasn't covered by the two previous steps. For Cross-Site courses at the Home School, these two tools list the alignments at the Serving School and what the corresponding alignments are at the Home School.

Paths: Grading & Standards > Cross-Site Mapping > Cross-Site Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Mapping, Default Score Groups; Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Grading Tasks, Course Standards                


Cross-Site Enrollment - Duplicate Course Numbers in Home School (SIS-174517)

Courses that have duplicate course numbers at the Home School and Serving School can now be mapped by the Home School to provide students with all available learning opportunities.

A unique course number must be entered to complete the mapping and must be 13 characters or fewer.  

See the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup article for more information.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Cross-Site Enrollment > Cross-Site Enrollment Setup



Cross-Site Enrollment - Posting Transcripts (SIS-175380)

Transcripts can now be posted for students participating in Cross-Site Enrollment. This is only allowed by the student's Home School.

  • When the Serving School posts final grades and a record is created in the gradingScore table, a duplicate record is created that links to the course/section/roster/enrollment at the Home School.
  • For courses that are flagged as Cross-Site, the grade mapping from the Home School is used to determine which Credit Group, Credit Type, Score Group and how much Credit is posted for the transcript record.
  • Transcript records that linked to a Cross-Site course display the Serving School's Name and School Number on the transcript indicating where the student took the course.
  • Transcript records are not posted from the Serving School for courses that are flagged as Cross-Site Enrollment.

Path: Student Information > General Student Administration > Transcript Post Wizard