Updated Articles

  1. My Food Service (Employee Self Service)

    This article provides information for district staff who need to add money to their food service account.
  2. Tool Rights (FRAM)

    This article provides detailed information about the FRAM tool rights.
  3. Course Fees Assignment Wizard

    Provides information on using the Course Fees Assignment Wizard.
  4. My Fees (Employee Self Service)

    This article provides procedures for district staff who need to pay or view their fees.
  5. FRAM Eligibility Standards and Guidelines

    The information in this article is meant to help you establish eligibility determinations as well as provide you with the details necessary for understanding what happens to a child's eligibility status when you import an eligibility file using the Eligibility Import Wizard.
  6. OLR Lists Bank

    This document provides information on using the OLR Lists Bank tool.
  7. OLR Queue Setup (Prime)

    This document provides information on using the OLR Queue Setup tool.
  8. Sales

    This article provides general information about the Sales report.
  9. Tool Rights (School Store)

    This article provides information on understanding and assigning School Store tool rights.
  10. School Store Getting Started for Parents

    The School Store is a place in Campus Parent where you can make purchases. Depending on what your school has set up, you can purchase spirit wear, school supplies, and make donations. Your school may also use the School Store for Activity Registra...