Updated Articles

  1. End of Year Process

    This article provides information on the tasks needed to successfully close out a school year in Campus.
  2. Beginning of Year Checklist

    This article can be used as a checklist of things to do before the beginning of the school year.
  3. Roster Batch Edit

    This document provides information on using the Roster Batch Edit tool.
  4. Day Setup

    This document provides information on using the Calendar Days tool.
  5. Digital Equity (Michigan)

    This article provides information on the Digital Equity tool for Michigan.
  6. Spring Enrollment Count Upload (Montana)

    Information on importing the Spring Enrollment Count.
  7. Student Enrollments Upload (Montana)

    Information on understanding and importing data via the Montana Student Enrollments Upload.
  8. Program Participation Upload (Montana)

    Information on importing Program Participation data via the Data Upload tool.
  9. Recommended Resync Order (Wisconsin v3.6)

    the following article provides information for the Wisconsin Recommended Resync Order.
  10. MN v3.3 - Ed-Fi Configuration Tool - Set Resource Preferences

    This article provides information on setting Minnesota Ed-Fi v3.1 Resource Preferences.