Popular Articles

  1. PERA Demographics and Contribution Reports Extract (Minnesota)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the PERA Demographics and Contribution Reports Extract. This report is available for MN districts that use Campus Human Resources.
  2. PIMS Course Instructor Template (Pennsylvania)

    This article provides information on generating the PIMS Course Instructor Template.
  3. ISBE Extracts: ISBE Seal of Biliteracy Awards Extract (Illinois)

    This article provides information on the Illinois ISBE Seal of Biliteracy Extract.
  4. Birth to Three Report (Illinois)

    This article provides information on generating the Illinois Birth to Three Years Report.
  5. Census (Minnesota)

    Information on Census fields specific to Minnesota.
  6. Special Education Report (Maine)

    The Special Education Report extracts special education data for upload.
  7.  Lockers (Student) - Video

    How to manage an individual student's locker information.
  8. Student Discipline Interchange (TSDS) (Texas)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Student Discipline Interchange.
  9. Homeless (Wisconsin)

    This article provides information recording Homeless information for Wisconsin.
  10. ISBE Extracst: ISBE Exit Student Enrollment Extract (Illinois)

    This article provides information on the Illinois ISBE Exit Student Enrollment Extract.