Popular Articles

  1. PLP Team Members

    This document summarizes the Team Members tool and other available articles.
  2. MCCC Extracts (Minnesota)

    This article describes generating the MCCC Student Course Record including reported logic and fields.
  3. Enter Absences Using the Batch Mode

    Provides information on using the Batch Mode of the Attendance Wizard.
  4. Rx Pack - Campus.2207

    The following corrections are included in Rx Packs for February and March 2022. Rx Packs contain a small number of critical cases to fix urgent issues, with delivery in an immediate time frame (e.g., the fix cannot wait for the next four week Re...
  5. Course Group Setup

    This article describes using Course Groups to collect related courses.
  6. Troubleshooting (Point of Sale)

    Troubleshooting information for Point of Sale.
  7.  Custom Form: Map Fields For A Custom Form - Video

    This video demonstrates how to map fields for a custom form.
  8. Attendance Contact Log

    The Attendance Contact Log records all instances of communication by school personnel regarding a particular student and their attendance.
  9.  Health Office Calendar - Video

    The Health Office Calendar is used to manage scheduled and unscheduled visits to the Health Office.
  10. Step 6. Complete the Verification Process (FRAM)

    This article provides detailed steps for completing the verification process.