New Articles

  1. Preschool Screener (Minnesota)

    This article provides information about data entered and submitted for the Minnesota Preschool Screener program.
  2. Monthly Attendance Register (California) [.2239 - .2339]

    This article provides information on generating the Monthly Attendance Register report.
  3. Monthly Attendance Summary (California) [.2243 - .2339]

    This article provides information on generating the Monthly Attendance Summary Report.
  4. Release Pack Campus.2339 - September 2023

    Jump to State-Specific Notes Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes care...
  5. Campus.2339

  6. CALPADS SSID Import [.2247 - .2335]

    This article provides information on the CALPADS SSID Import.
  7. Campus Parent Portal [.2303 - .2331]

    The Campus Parent Portal is designed specifically for parents and is optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets. In the Campus Parent Portal, navigate between tools in the menu on the left. On mobile devices, this menu shrinks to a "h...
  8. Tools in Campus Parent

    This article describes all of the tools that may be available in Campus Parent, if enabled by the district.
  9. Calendar (BIE)

    Provides information on Calendar fields localized to BIE.
  10. English Learner (Oregon)

    This article provides information on generating the English Learners report for Oregon districts.