NC Attendance Calculations - TOPIC ARTICLE ONLY

The PMR uses the following calculations, logic and terminology for calculating attendance information. 

In Membership

A student is considered In Membership when ANY of the following are true:

  • The student is on-site AND at least 50% present on their first day of enrollment. 
  • The student is enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten AND assigned to be at home on the first day of school. 
  • The student has a primary enrollment with an Admission Status of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program or MED1: Member - Extended Day Program AND enrolled more than 50%. 
  • The student is identified as Medically Fragile (has attendance records with a State Code of 1S: Hospital/Homebound). 
  • The student is enrolled in a publish school AND in a Teacher-in-Treatment Program (has attendance records with a State Code of 1H: Teacher-in-Treatment).  
  • The student is scheduled into one or more NC Virtual Public School courses AND NOT enrolled in a private school or home school
  • The student's enrollment has a State Grade Level of Pre-K and an Admission State of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program

Not In Membership

A student is considered Not In Membership when ANY of the following are true:

  • It is before the start date of the enrollment record.
  • The student is not enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten or is enrolled in Staggered Kindergarten but not in attendance on the first day of enrollment.
  • The student's Admission Status on the Enrollment record is VST1: Visitor - Standard Day Program/Foreign Exchange Student.
  • The student has a primary enrollment with an Admission Status of MST1: Member - Standard Day Program or MED1: Member - Extended Day Program AND enrolled LESS than 50%. 

In Violation

The student is considered In Violation (also known as the 10-Day Rule) when ANY of the following are true: 

  • The student has ten consecutive absences marked as unexcused based on the date the report is generated. 
    • When a student has nine days of consecutive absence at the end of PMR 1 and one day of absence at the start of PMR 2 [Total of 10 consecutive absence between 2 school months], and the report is generated on the first day of PMR2, the student does not meet the requirements of being in violation.
    • When a student has nine days of consecutive absence at the end of PMR 1 and one day of absence at the start of PMR 2 [Total of 10 consecutive absences between 2 school months], and the report is generated on the second day of PMR2, the student does meet the requirements of being in violation.

Not in Violation

The student is considered Not In Violation when ANY of the following are true: 

  • The student is present for that day.
  • The student has an attendance record for that day with one of the following State Codes:
    • 1H: Teacher-In-Treatment
    • 1M: Medically Fragile
    • 1S: Hospital/Homebound
    • 1R: Present Off-Site
    • 1Q: School Sponsored Activity
  • The student has an attendance event that does not have one of the State Codes above and is NOT considered in violation (marked absent for ten consecutive days) 
  • The student is considered to be in violation but is marked present (no attendance events) on the 11th day. 
  • The student was suspended for any length of time. 

Basic PMR Calculation

This report uses the following guidelines for most of the reported fields. 

When... Then...
When Grade Level is STANDARD
  • The student's Admission Status (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Admission Status) needs to be MST1: Member - Standard Day Program OR MED1: Member - Extended Day Program.
  • The State Grade Level Code CANNOT be one of the PK, P0-P3.
When Grade Level is STANDARD TOTAL All standard enrollments are summed.
When Grade Level begins with XG The State Grade Level Code needs to be UG (Ungraded). 
When Grade Level begins with XG Total All XG enrollments are summed.
When Grade Level begins with School Total The sum of Standard Total, XG Total, and Extended Total reports.
When Grade Level begins with PK
  • The student's Admission Status (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Admission Status) needs to be MST1: Member - Standard Day Program.
  • The State Grade Level Code must be PR, PK, or P0-P3.