Updated Articles

  1. Payments Reporter - Video

    The Payments Reporter tool lets staff check the status of transactions, or refund online payments.
  2.  Recurring Payments Report - Video

    Staff can see who has recurring payments set up, the payment type, payment frequency, remaining balances, and inactive and deleted recurring payments using the Recurring Payments Report. ...
  3. Patron Balance Report - Video

    The Patron Balance Report allows staff to run a report of students with low balances, or generate letters to inform families of a low balance.
  4. PIN Report - Video

    The PIN Report tool can be used to generate three different reports for selected food service patrons.
  5. Activity Roll Forward - Video

    The Activity Roll Forward tool is used to roll current year activities into the next school year. It can also be used to update multiple activities at one time.
  6. Activity Roll Forward - Video

    The Activity Roll Forward tool is used to roll current year activities into the next school year. It can also be used to update multiple activities at one time.
  7. Activity Monitor - Video

    The Activity Monitor tool is used to create an activity, add participants, attach forms, and link the activity to the portal, online payments, and School Store.
  8. Activity Monitor - Video

    The Activity Monitor tool is used to create an activity, add participants, attach forms, and link the activity to the portal, online payments, and School Store.
  9. Categories (School Store) - Video

    The Categories tool allows you to group products and services within the School Store and Activity Registration modules.
  10. Preapproval Requests - Video

    Some activities need preapproval before they can be created. This video shows this preapproval process using the Preapproval Requests tool.