New Articles

  1. Private School Plan (Delaware) Updated

    This article provides information on all editors and fields available on the Delaware Private School Plan Special Education document.
  2. Manage Eligibility Records

    We're trying something new in the knowledge base. Please give us your feedback ! Tool Search: Eligibility The Eligibility tool shows a student's eligibility for receiving free or reduced-price benefits. The USDA Fo...
  3. Create New Eligibility Records

    We're trying something new in the knowledge base. Please give us your feedback ! Tool Search: Eligibility The Eligibility tool shows a student's eligibility for free or reduced-price benefits. The USDA Food and Nut...
  4. Account/PIN Import

    To ensure a successful upload process, it is recommended that users complete the import one to two weeks before the Food Service accounts will be utilized and before the first transactions, including deposits, are made. This lead time will ...
  5. Account/PIN Import - Video

    Districts can use the Account/PIN Import during their Food Service implementation to convert food service accounts, current balances, and PINs from their legacy food service system to Campus Food Service. ...
  6. Campus.2423

  7. P-EBT Extract (Nebraska) [.2327 - .2419]

    This article provides information on generating the Nebraska P-EBT Extract.
  8. State Assessment Test Settings (Montana) [.2419 and previous]

    The State Assessment Test Settings tab allows districts to track State Assessment Test Settings for EL and 504 students.
  9. TOPIC State Special Ed Document (Delaware)

    Editor Home The Editor Home lists the editors available, their status, and Modification and Completion information. Header Description Name The name of the editor. Status The state of the editor. Statuses can be: In Pr...
  10. The Basics: Quizzes

    This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering and requires the Enhanced Curriculum tool right.  Location: Anywhere you view assignments, such as Grade Book, Planner, or Progress Monitor > click Add spli...