Popular Articles

  1. FRYSC Group Program Participation Wizard (Kentucky)

    Understanding and using the Kentucky FRYSC group program participation wizard
  2. Settings (Payments Setup) - Video

    Staff can determine which options to use within Campus' Online Payments module using the Settings tool.
  3.  Locker Batch End Wizard - Video

    This video shows how to use the Locker Batch End Wizard to end date or delete existing locker assignments based on selected criteria. ...
  4. Immunization Rules (New Mexico)

    This document describes the New Mexico immunization rules.
  5. Class Size Average (K-12) Report

    Provides information on generating the Class Size Average (K-12) Report.
  6. Task Scheduler - Video

    The Task Scheduler tool allows users to view and create automated system tasks and procedures to run on their Campus server.
  7. Work-Based Learning (California)

    California-specific Work-Based Learning information.
  8.  Special Education Reports Overview - Video

    This video provides an overview of the Special Education Reports available in Student Information.
  9. Course Completion Data (State Edition)

    Information on the steps required for properly reporting on Course Completion data at the State level.
  10. Salary Distribution Report

    Detailed information about the Salary Distribution Report.