Popular Articles

  1.  Period Count Report - Video

    How to report period absence totals for students.
  2. CRDC - ARRS - Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests) Ad Hoc Filters

    This article provides information on CRDC ARRS Ad Hoc Filters.
  3. Curriculum Planner - Video

    The Curriculum Planner allows curriculum directors to view and add curriculum to all sections of a course at the course level. In this video you will learn how to use the Curriculum Planner.
  4. In-District Hardware Setup Instructions

    The following setup instructions are provided as a high level overview of the steps needed to setup the new virtual server environment for your district.
  5. Account Security Preferences - Video

    The Account Security Preferences tool provides districts the ability to automatically generate user accounts for students and staff, and to manage several preferences related to user account security.
  6. User Account Letter Builder - Video

    The Account Letter Builder merges an Ad hoc filter and a letter template to generate letters related to user account information.
  7. Transcript (Maine)

    Maine-specific field definitions for Transcript.
  8.  Attendance Reason Report - Video

    How to see a summary of how many times an attendance code has been assigned.
  9. View Roster Verification Event Log - Simulation

    The Roster Verification Event Log is used to view and manage previously created roster verification events.
  10. Funds Transfer Report

    The Funds Transfer Report provides detailed information about all fund transfers which occurred on a specific day, period of time or month.