Popular Articles

  1. FRYSC Centers (Kentucky)

    Information on managing FRYSC Centers within Campus.
  2. HB410 Student Truancy Extract (Ohio)

    This article describes generating the HB410 Student Truancy extract including reported logic and fields.
  3. Arizona Ed-Fi Data v3.5 - Student School Associations

    This article provides information on the Arizona Ed-Fi version 3.5 Student School Association resource.
  4. CTE Reports (Nevada)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the CTE Reports.
  5. Vaccine Mappings Updated

    This article lists the CPT/CVX vaccine codes and the corresponding Campus vaccine code.
  6. Individual Education Plan (Minnesota)

    This document describes the editors available in the Minnesota IEP.
  7. WISEid Extract

    Provides information on using the WISEid Extract.
  8. Graduation (California)

    This article provides California-specific Graduation tab information.
  9. Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2112

    These cases are included in the Campus.2112 release pack .  Data Definition Language Scripts (DDL) This section lists data structures that were created, altered, or dropped, based on the vocabulary used to define data structures in SQL Server. ...
  10. Immunization Rules (Colorado)

    This document describes the vaccination rules in place for Colorado districts.