Popular Articles

  1. Cross-Site Configuration

    This article provides information on configuring Cross-Site Enrollment.
  2. Class Size Penalties Report (California)

    This article provides information on generating the Class Size penalties report.
  3. Staff Education Organization Assignment Association (Core v3.X)

    This article provides information on the Core Ed-Fi version 3.1 Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource.
  4. Fee Receivable Summary Report - Video

    The Fee Receivable Summary Report lists a summary of the selected fees and details regarding the payment status of individual students.
  5. Wyoming State Reporting

    Extract Description Unique ID Extract The Unique ID Extract is used to gather Student State ID data. ...
  6. FRYSC Group Program Report (Kentucky)

    Information on generating and understanding the FRYSC Group Programs Report.
  7. My Employment Information

    General information about the My Employment Information tab.
  8. Course Section (SLDS) (Vermont)

    This article provides the report logic and layout for the Course Section extract.
  9. Staffs (New Mexico v3.5)

    This article provides information on the Staffs resource for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.
  10. BIE ISEP Instructional Certification Report

    Information on understanding and generating the ISEP Instructional Certification Report.