Popular Articles

  1. General Collection (Michigan)

    This article describes generating the General Collection extract, as well as report logic and fields.
  2.  Calendar Terms - Video

    In Campus, the blocks of date ranges into which a school year is divided are called TERMS. Terms must exist before course sections can be placed and students scheduled into them. This video shows how to create and edit a term schedule.
  3. CA ODS Reports

    This article provides information on using the CA ODS tool to compare Infinite Campus data with ODS data.
  4. Enter Standardized Test Scores - Video

    The Standardized Test tool in Campus Instruction allows teachers to enter assessment data for teacher-scored standardized tests. This video demonstrates how to add assessment data in the Standardized Test tool.
  5. Age and Grade Level Exceptions Report

    This document provides information on generating the Age/Grade Level Exceptions Report.
  6. Curriculum Report

    This article describes using the Curriculum report to summarize your curriculum for a section.
  7. Staff Locator Wizard - Video

    Districts linked to State Edition can use the Staff Locator tool to prevent duplicate entries of new employees.
  8. Assign Fees

    Tool Search: Fees
  9. Release Pack Campus.2020 - May 2020

    This article collects the release notes for the Campus.2020 release.
  10. Connecting POS Terminals: Terminal Cables, Ports and Connectors

    Information for connecting POS Terminals: Terminal Cables, Ports and Connectors