Popular Articles

  1. Contactless Food Service FAQs

    Answers to many questions regarding contactless food service.
  2. Rx Pack - Campus.2140

    The following corrections are included in Rx Packs for September and October 2021. Rx Packs contain a small number of critical cases to fix urgent issues, with delivery in an immediate time frame (e.g., the fix cannot wait for the next four week...
  3. Attendance Profile (Kentucky)

    Information on generating and understanding the Kentucky Attendance Profile.
  4. Test Accommodations Report

    This document provides information on generating the Test Accommodations Report.
  5. Immunization Batch Report

    This document provides information on generating the report of student immunization records.
  6. Immunization Rules (Minnesota) Updated

    This document describes immunization rules for Minnesota.
  7. Reminder Restriction Wizard

    Understanding patron account restrictions and reminder settings
  8. Enrollment Overlap

    This document provides information on generating the Enrollment Overlap Report.
  9.  Student Bus Assignment Report - Video

    The Bus Assignment Report can be used to both print a list of student bus assignments and to print bus badges for students to help ensure that students get on the right buses.
  10. Copy Course Master

    This article provides information on copying course masters.