New Articles

  1. Share Curriculum to the Library - Video

    Using the Curriculum Library, teachers can share or remove their curriculum to the district-wide Curriculum Library. In this video, you will learn to share your curriculum to the Curriculum Library.
  2. Career and Technical Education (CTE)

    This article gives a general description of how to enter and track data in the CTE tool.
  3. Share Curriculum to the Library

    This article describes sharing curriculum to the Curriculum Library.
  4. Reflections (Curriculum) - Video

    Using Reflections, teachers can record information about how curriculum was used and how well it worked in their class. In this video, you will learn to record reflections for curriculum.
  5. Check In/Out - Video

    Attendance staff can use Check In/Out to quickly process student late arrivals or early departures during the school day. ...
  6. Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Kansas v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Student Language Instruction Program Associations Resource for Kansas schools.
  7. Student Homeless Program Associations (Kansas v3.6)

    This article provides information on the Student Homeless Program Associations Ed-Fi Resource for Kansas.
  8. Curriculum Details

    This article describes adding information to an assignment's Details tab.
  9. Virtual Education (Indiana)

    This article describes the Indiana-specific fields on the Virtual Education tool.
  10. Advanced Attendance and Appointments Release Notes (2024)

    The Advanced Attendance and Appointments toolset is a custom tool and is only available to districts who purchase these tools. The Advanced Attendance and Appointments toolset is part of the Campus Workflow Suite . Release notes provide the applic...