Popular Articles

  1. Wisconsin Ed-Fi - Career Tech (CTE), College & Career Ready (CCR), and State Endorsed Regional Career Pathways Setup

    This article provides information on CTE, CCR, and State Endorsed Regional Pathways setup for Wisconsin Ed-FI.
  2. Section 504 (BIE)

    This article provides information on how to use the BIE Section 504 tool.
  3. Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2247

    This article lists the schema changes made with the Campus.2247 release pack.
  4. Capture Staff Covid Vaccination Data

    This document provides information on Campus' recommendation for using a custom field to capture Covid vaccination information.
  5. Schedule Wizard: Student Constraints - Video [.2431 and previous]

    The Student Constraints tool is used to create restrictions between students. This video demonstrates how to prevent students from being scheduled in the same section with both strict and non-strict constraints.
  6. Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2411

    This article lists the schema changes made with the Campus.2411 release pack.
  7. Bilingual Education Program (BEP) (New Mexico)

    This article provides detailed information about the Bilingual Education Program (BEP) tool.
  8. Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2219

    This article lists the schema changes made with the Campus.2219 release pack.
  9. Absence Request Translation Setup

    This article provides information about translating the Absence Request tool in Campus Parent Portal.
  10. CRDC - SCHR: School Characteristics Questions

    This article provides information on CRDC SCHR Questions.