Popular Articles

  1. Product Types - Video

    The Product Types tool within the School Store module allows you to group similar products, and assign them to Fund Accounts in the Online Payments tool.
  2. Student Special Education Program Associations (New Mexico v3.5)

    This article provides information on the Student Education Organization Associations for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.
  3. Attendance Audit Report (Nebraska)

    This article provides information for generating the Attendance Audit Report.
  4. Immunization Rules (Georgia)

    This document provides information on the immunization rules for Georgia districts.
  5. Sales - Video

    The School Store Sales report provides a list of sales activity for all school stores within the district.
  6. SIF Person Data

    The SIF Person Data tool allows you to view the XML output of a student for specific SIF objects depending on the Zone and Agent selected.
  7. Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) (Ohio Extract)

    This article describes generating the Student Demographics Race Detail (GJ) extract including reported logic and fields.
  8. Type Membership (District)

    Information on defining data certification type memberships.
  9. Review and Complete an Employee Evaluation

    This article provides procedures for reviewing and completing an employee evaluation.
  10. View student standardized test data - Simulation [.2231 - .2335]

    The Standardized Test tool can be used to view assessment scores for standardized tests. In this lesson, a teacher would like to review the results of a standardized test aligned to one of his courses.