MN v3.3 - Grade Levels Resource Preferences

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources. 

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for Grade Levels. Grade Levels cannot be toggled on or off because it is a mapping that multiple resources use to determine grade level information.  

The page loads all unique Grade Level Names from all Schools/Calendars/Schedule Structures that are not marked as Exclude in the School Year the configuration is aligned to.

Note: Records are not sent if the Calendar Grade Level "Exclude from State Reporting" checkbox is selected for the grade level that the student's enrollment is tied to:

  • If one calendar is mapped to another calendar in the Calendars Override Mapping , and any grade levels are shared between the two calendars, the "mapped-to" calendar governs the "Exclude from State Reporting" status.
  1. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Grade Levels Descriptors.

     Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi.
    Grade Level Descriptors
    UI LocationSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels

    Screenshot of Grade Levels Descriptors list.

  2. Click Save.