Record Fee Payments

Tool Search: Fees

Fees can be paid one at a time or you can pay multiple fees with a single payment.

Screenshot of an Example of Paying Multiple Fees with One Payment

Make a Payment

  1. Click the Make Payment button at the bottom of the screen.
    Result: The Payment panel displays all fees from all years for which a payment is needed.
    Click here to expand...

    Screenshot after the user clicks the Make Payment button located at the bottom of the Fees tool.
    You can also access the Payment panel by clicking an individual fee then clicking the Make Payment button on the Assignment panel.
    Screenshot of panel after the user clicks an individual fee assignment. The Make Payment button is highlighted.
  2. Enter a Payment Date in mmddyyyy format.
  3. Enter the amount of the payment using one of the following options.
    Pay AllClick Pay All to populate this field with the total amount remaining to be paid.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel with the Pay All button highlighted.
    Payment TotalThe Payment Total field at the top of the panel allows you to enter the amount to be paid. If the total amount exceeds the Fee Assignment amount, the remaining amount is deposited as a surplus.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel with the Payment Total highlighted.
    Payment AmountThe Payment Amount column allows you allows you to manually enter a unique value for each line. Campus automatically updates the Payment Total to match the values you enter.
    Screenshot of the Payment panel showing where the Payment Amount is entered.
  4. Enter any Comments associated with the payment.

  5. Select one of the following Payment Methods and complete the payment.

    Payment MethodDescription
    CashClick the Make Payment button.
    If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus. Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    The Check # field displays when you select this option. Enter the Check # then click the Make Payment button.

    Screenshot when Check is selected as the Payment Method. The Payment Method and Check Number fields are highlighted.

    The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column.

    If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus. Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    Surplus (Balance: $XX.XX) 

    This option only displays if a surplus is available on the account. 

    Click the Make Payment button.
    Screenshot when Surplus is selected as the Payment Method. The Payment Method field is highlighted.
    The Surplus Balance is reduced by the amount used to pay the fee. The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column. 

    Record Credit/Debit Card

    If your district does NOT use Online Payments or a Desktop Card Reader, enter the Reference Number then click the Make Payment button.
     Screenshot when Record Credit/Debit Card is selected as the Payment Method.

    The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column. If more than the amount of the fee selected is paid, the extra amount becomes a Surplus  Campus saves the surplus amount and it can be applied to other fees.

    Process Credit/Debit Card 
    (Card Swipe)

    Complete these steps if you are using a Desktop Card Reader.

    Click here to expand...
    1. Click the Make Payment button.
      The Card Present Processing window displays.
      Screenshot of the Card Present Processing window.
    2. Click the Click to enable swipe in the Card Swipe field then swipe the card through the card reader.
      A progress bar appears in the Card Swipe field. When the process completes, the message changes to Success.

    3. Enter an Email address. (Optional)

      If Email Settings are set up, Campus will send the receipt to the Email address entered here. This email is not included in the Sent Message Log.

    4. Click the Submit Payment button.

      If the transaction is successful, the receipt displays and you can print the receipt from your browser. A receipt is emailed if an email address was entered in the Email field.
      Screenshot of the receipt after the Submit Payment button is clicked.
    5. Click the Close button.

      The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column and Balances and Totals updated accordingly.
    Process Credit/Debit Card (Manual Entry)

     Complete these steps if you do not have a Desktop Card Reader.

    Click here to expand...
    1. Click the Make Payment button.
      The Card Present Processing window displays.
      Screenshot of the Card Present Processing window when Manual Entry is selected in the Processing Mode dropdown list.
    2. Select Manual Entry in the Processing Mode dropdown list.
    3. Fill out the following fields.
      • Card Number
      • Card Expiration
      • Name on Card
      • Address
      • Zip Code
      • Email
    4. Click the Submit Payment button.

      If the transaction is successful, the receipt displays and you can print the receipt from your browser. A receipt is emailed if an email address was entered in the Email field. This email is not included in the Sent Message Log.
      Screenshot of the receipt after the Submit Payment button is clicked.
    5. Click the Close button.
      The payment displays below the fee(s) with the type and date of the payment, the amount paid in the Credit column and Balances and Totals updated accordingly. 

Payment Panel

Only Comments can be added or modified in this panel.

After a payment is made, you can click the payment to display the Payment panel. This panel includes the Payment Date, the total Amount, the Payment Method, and any Comments attached to the payment. The calendar in which the payment was made and the name of the user(s) who created the payment also display.   

Below the Comments section, the panel displays all fees paid with that payment, the due dates of each fee, and the amount paid for each fee.

Screenshot of a payment that is highlighted on the Fees tool. An arrow is pointing to another screenshot below this one.