Print a Student's Fee Statement

Tool Search: Fees

This report generates a PDF in a format that can be folded and mailed to a person's primary address. The Fee Statement provides a list of totals, including the number and value of all fees incurred, the district-determined fee maximum if applicable, the total amount paid, and the balance due.

If a student does not have an active primary address marked for Mailing (the address has an end date), the report will generate for the student but not include an address.

To print a student's Fee Billing Statement, select the Years to Print then click the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of the Fees editor. The Years to Print field and Print button are highlighted.Example Print Button for the Fee Billing Statement Screenshot showing an example of the Fee Billing Statement after the Print button is clicked.Example Fee Billing Statement

Previous Version

Print a Student's Fee Statement [.2211 - .2219]