Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations Resource (Indiana v3.6)

This association represents student information specific to a student’s assessment accommodations.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes the logic for triggering the syncing of this object.


When a Test Accommodation is created and saved for a person and the Accommodation dates overlap a configured year:

  • Do not send a record if the enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if the No Show checkbox is marked on the enrollment.
  • Do not send a record if the current date is prior to the start date of the test accommodation.
  • Do not send a record if the current date is after the end date of the test accommodation.

When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below.

Test setup information:

  • Name
  • Test Accommodations Eligible

Test accommodations information:

  • Assessment
  • Subject
  • Test Accommodations
  • Start Date
  • End Date
DeleteThis record will delete if the student no longer has an eligible test accommodation in the District.
DeleteThis record will delete if the enrollment is marked as a No Show.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic


Business Rule

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic


Business Rule

Post/DeleteNatural Key Changes
  • If the District Number/Ed-Fi District Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the LEA ID Change triggers.   
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A - no dependent resources

Scope Year Logic


A record reports when a Test Accommodations record is created and saved that is aligned to a scoped year

  • The Test Accommodation must overlap with the scope year to report.
  • Data sends for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to:

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to:

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Identity Mapping Object Key


Object Key Data Source


Error Log

ErrorPossible Causes / How to Resolve
"Assessment and Accommodation are not a valid combination."

IDOE has specific accommodations per assessment. If this error is generated, the Assessment the student is reporting has an invalid accommodation.

  1. Verify that the Accommodation is a valid selection for the Assessment on the student's record. 
  2. If not valid, change to a valid accommodation and resync.
  3. If you believe it is valid, please contact IDOE for further assistance.

Assessment Accommodation Valid Combinations

Provided by the IDOE as of 8/2/2022. Please be aware this may not be up to date, but it serves as a good starting point.  

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations resource. Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O


idThe unique identifier of the resource.
assessmentReferenceReference to the assessment.
See the array/reference data elements section below.

A reference to the related Education Organization resource.

See the array/reference data elements section below.


studentReferenceA reference to the Student.

See the array/reference data elements section below.

This descriptor holds the description of the content or subject area (e.g., arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language).

Reports the subject indicated on the assessment under Test Accommodations 

MStudent Information > General > Test Accommodations > Subject

Defines variations used in how an assessment is presented or taken.

Reports the test accommodation.

MStudent Information > General > Test Accommodations > Test Accommodations

A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

Array/Reference Data Elements

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ReferenceBusiness RulesExampleLocation
EducationOrganizationReferenceReports the Education Organization for the student


  • If multiple keys and secrets (multiple connections), reports from 'District Number' on the connection credentials for each connection made.

  "educationOrganizationReference": {
    "educationOrganizationId": 0,
    "link": {
      "rel": "string",
      "href": "string"

Combination of District Number and School Number

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

System Administration > Resources > District Info > State District Number

If multiple Ed-Fi Connections:

  1. Reports district from System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection > District Number
  2. Reports school from System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number




Reports the student's  Ed-Fi ID.

  "studentReference": {
    "studentUniqueId": "string",
    "link": {
      "rel": "string",
      "href": "string"
Census > Demographics > Ed-Fi ID

  • assessmentIdentifier
    • Reports Assessment on Student Info> General> Test Accommodations> Assessment
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'ILEARN' will report as 'ILEARN'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'I AM' or 'ISTAR' will report as 'I AM'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'IREAD' will report as 'IREAD-3'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'WIDA' will report as 'WIDA'
  • namespace
    • Reports the namespace for the assessment
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'ILEARN' will report as 'uri://'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'I AM' or 'ISTAR' will report as 'uri://'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'IREAD' will report as 'uri://'
      • Any Test with a state test containing 'WIDA' will report as 'uri://'

"assessmentReference": {

      "assessmentIdentifier": "string",

      "namespace": "string",

      "link": {

        "rel": "string",

        "href": "string"



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Academic Subject Descriptor

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
01English Language and Literature is the intended major subject area of the education course. Language and Literature
02Mathematics is the intended major subject area of the education course.
03Life and Physical Sciences is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Physical Sciences
04Social Sciences and History is the intended major subject area of the education course. Sciences and History
05Visual and Performing Arts is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Performing Arts
06Foreign Language and Literature is the intended major subject area of the education course. Language and Literature
07Religious Education and Theology is the intended major subject area of the education course. Education and Theology
08Physical, Health, and Safety Education is the intended major subject area of the education course., Health, and Safety Education
09Military Science is the intended major subject area of the education course. Science
10Information Technology is the intended major subject area of the education course. Technology
11Communication and Audio / Visual Technology is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Audio / Visual Technology
12Business and Marketing is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Marketing
13Manufacturing is the intended major subject area of the education course.
14Health Care Sciences is the intended major subject area of the education course. Care Sciences
15Public, Protective, and Government Service is the intended major subject area of the education course., Protective, and Government Service
16Hospitality and Tourism is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Tourism
17Architecture and Construction is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Construction
18Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is the intended major subject area of the education course., Food, and Natural Resources
19Human Services is the intended major subject area of the education course. Services
20Transportation, Distribution and Logistics is the intended major subject area of the education course., Distribution and Logistics
21Engineering and Technology is the intended major subject area of the education course. and Technology
22Miscellaneous is the intended major subject area of the education course.
23Non-Subject-Specific is the intended major subject area of the education course.
24World Languages is the intended major subject area of the education course. Languages
26U.S. Government Government

Accommodation Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespace
AORAccess to Own Resources
ABAdditional Breaks
AIRAlternative Indication of Response
AGLArabic Glossary
ATAudio Transcripts
BDBilingual Dictionary
BRL_UEB_CTRBraille Booklet - UEB and/or UEB with Nemeth Contracted, Standard for All Grades
BRL_UEB_UCTRBrailleBook - UEB and/or UEB w/Nemeth Uncontracted
BGLBurmese Glossary
CAL_HH_ALLCalculator (Adaptive/Handheld) for all Sections
CAL_OL_ALLCalculator (online calculator for all items)
CCClosed Captioning
E_STTEmbedded Speech to Text
E_WPEmbedded Word Prediction
EX_IEPExemption based on IEP Case Conference Committee
EX_ILPExemption based on ILP team decision
EX_RTNExemption based on retained twice prior to fourth grade
ETExtra Time
HOHHard of Hearing
HR_XRDHuman Reader (except items testing reading comprehension)
HR_ALLHuman Reader (including items measuring reading comprehension)
HCHundreds Chart
ITIndividual Testing
LPPLarge Print Paper
MMandarin Glossary
MTMultiplication Table
ASLOnline American Sign Language (ASL) Video
BRL_ONLOnline Refreshable Braille / Embosser
PBPrint Booklet
PMPermissive Mode
PDPrint On Demand
RASRead Aloud to Self
SLI_XRDSign Language Interpreter except items testing reading comprehension
SLI_ALLSign Language Interpreter including items testing reading comprehension
STSpanish - Translation
SGLSpanish Glossary
SFStreamline Format
ITIndividual Testing
TTS_XRDText to Speech (except items testing reading comprehension)
TTS_ALLText to Speech (including items testing reading comprehension)
VGLVietnamese Glossary