Staff Education Organization Employment Associations (New Mexico v3.5)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association indicates the education organization an employee, contractor, volunteer or other service provider is formally associated with typically indicated by which organization the staff member has a services contract with or receives compensation from.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a person has a District Assignment record record that is active within the config year.

  • Do NOT report a record if any of the following scenarios are true:  
  1. There is not an Ed-FI ID for the staff person.
  2. The staff records are not active based on the Scope Year logic listed below.
  3. If data is sent prior to the Exclude check boxes are checked, the data will remain and the user will need to use the Delete Tool to remove data.
  • If multiple District Employment records are active, report data from most recent: 
    • If one is exited and new one begins, report from new.
    • If both are exited, report from the District Employment record with most recent end date.
  • Only ever send resource from the District Employment record, never from a District Assignment record. Only one resource should send per staff member.

When any field not part of the natural key changes:

  • End Date
  • Hourly Wage

When any field part of the natural key changes:

  • Start Date
  • Employment Status Descriptor
DeleteWhen a District Employment record is deleted.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Natural Key change:

  • If the School Number/Ed-Fi School Number changes or the  Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the School ID/Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
Delete/PostIf the Start Date or Employment Status Descriptor changes, the record will delete and repost.

Cascading update:  There are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when a person has a District Assignment or District Employment record that is aligned to a scoped year.

  • Report when a staff has an active District Assignment or District Employment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates.
    • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used.
    • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element LabelMapping Needed

Separation Reason Descriptors

Employment Exit Reason

Level Of Education Institution DescriptorsEmployment Baccalaureate Degree Instituti

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
employmentPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
employmentassignmentPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or OData Source GUI PathDatabase Field


The unique identifier of the resource



This descriptor defines the type of employment or contract

  1. If the 'District Staff' checkbox is checked on the District Employment record.
    • Report the selected 'Qualification Status' code from the District Employment record if populated.
    • Else, report 'N'.
  2. Else, reports the selected 'Qualification Status' code from the District Assignment record if populated.
    • If Null, report based on 'Type' code
      1. If Certified, report C.
      2. Else report N.


  • Primary District Assignment is calculated as follows:
    • Look at all active District Assignments - determine which one has the highest total FTE value.
    • If FTE is null or multiple assignments have the same highest value, derive using most recent.

Census> People> District Employment> Qualification Status


Census> People> District Assignment> Qualification Status



hireDate The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority specifies that employment is to begin (or the date on which the agreement is made valid). NEDM: Contract Beginning Date
  1. Report the oldest (first entered) District Employment record for the reporting staff:
    • Report from the Teacher Start Year
      • If Teaching Start Year is blank,
        • Report District Employment Start Date

Census>People>District Employment>Teaching Start Year

Census>People>District Employment> Start Date

credentialReferenceA reference to the related Credential resource
  1. This is optional, does not report

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource
  1. Reports from Ed-Fi District Number.

System Administration > Resources > District > Ed-Fi District Number

staffReferenceA reference to the related Staff resource
  1. Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff resource.


departmentThe department or suborganization the employee/contractor is associated with in the Education Organization
  1. This is optional, do not report.

 endDate The month, day, and year on which a contract between an individual and a governing authority ends or is terminated under the provisions of the contract (or the date on which the agreement is made invalid). NEDM: Contract Ending Date
  1. Required if Exit Reason is present.
  2. Based on this Staff's "active primary district assignment":

    • Look to see if the Staff Assignment Code (Census>People>District Assignment>Title) = 00, 20-23, 25,28,30,73-75,94,96-97,101, 103, 104, 106, 110, 110S, 139 OR 140
      • Leave as NULL - If it is NOT in the set OR an "active primary district assignment" does NOT exist,
      • If true - report the staff's District Employment > End Date.


  • Primary District Assignment is calculated as follows:
    • Look at all active District Assignments - determine which one has the highest total FTE value.
    • If FTE is null or multiple assignments have the same highest value, derive using most recent.

Census> People> District Employment> End Date

Census> People> District Employment> Exit Reason

fullTimeEquivalencyThe ratio between the hours of work expected in a position and the hours of work normally expected in a full-time position in the same setting
  1. This is optional, do not report

hourlyWageHourly wage associated with the employment position being reported
  1. If the 'District Staff' checkbox is checked on the District Employment record.
    • If 'Qualification Status' on the District Employment record is 'R', 'T', or 'S', do not report.
    • Else, report Salary from District Employment record.
  2. Else, report from the staff's active primary district assignment .
    • If 'Qualification Status' is 'R', 'T', or 'S', do not report.
    • Else, report Salary from District Employment of record.


  • Primary District Assignment is calculated as follows:
    • Look at all active District Assignments - determine which one has the highest total FTE value.
    • If FTE is null or multiple assignments have the same highest value, derive using most recent.
OCensus>People>District Employment >Salary
offerDateDate at which the staff member was made an official offer for this employment
  1. This is not collected in SIS, do not report.


Type of employment separation; for example: Voluntary separation, Involuntary separation, Mutual agreement, Other, etc.

  1. This is not collected in SIS, do not report.


This descriptor defines the reasons for terminating the employment

  1. Reports only for teachers who have End Date.
  2. Reports the Ed-Fi mapped value from the selected Exit Reason dropdown .

Census> People> District Employment>End Date

Census> People> District Employment> Exit Reason

Indicates the Institution or State that conferred Highest Degree.
  1. If the 'District Staff' checkbox is checked on the District Employment record AND the 'Qualification Status' on the District Employment record = "C: Certified".
    • Report mapped EdFi code of 'Highest Degree Institution' using Level Of Education Institution Descriptor.
  2. Else, if the 'Qualification Status' = NULL AND 'Type' = 'Certified' on the staff's active primary district assignment.
    • Report mapped EdFi code of 'Highest Degree Institution' from reporting DE using Level Of Education Institution Descriptor.
  3. Else, do not report.


  • Primary District Assignment is calculated as follows:
    • Look at all active District Assignments - determine which one has the highest total FTE value.
    • If FTE is null or multiple assignments have the same highest value, derive using most recent.
CCensus>People>District Employment>Highest Degree Institution
Indicates the Institution or State that conferred Baccalaureate Degree.
  1. If the 'District Staff' checkbox is checked on the District Employment record AND the 'Qualification Status' on the District Employment record = "C: Certified".
    • Report mapped EdFi code of 'Baccalaureate Degree Institution' from reporting DE using Level Of Education Institution Descriptor.
  2. Else, if the 'Qualification Status' = NULL AND 'Type' = 'Certified' on the staff's active primary district assignment.
    • Report mapped EdFi code of 'Baccalaureate Degree Institution' from reporting DE using Level Of Education Institution Descriptor.
  3. Else report as null/blank.


  • Primary District Assignment is calculated as follows:
    • Look at all active District Assignments - determine which one has the highest total FTE value.
    • If FTE is null or multiple assignments have the same highest value, derive using most recent.
CCensus>People>District Employment>Baccalaureate Degree Institution
nationalCertifiedThe data is used to determine if a Staff Member is a National Board Certified Teacher.
  1. If National Board Certified Teacher is checked, report true
    1. Else, report false.

RCensus > People > District Employment > National Board Certified Teacher
The total number of years that an individual has previously held a Teacher or Principal position in the current district.
  1. If staff member has any assignment in the current scope year with a title code = 14-19, 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, or 139-140 (teacher or principle):
    • If 'Yrs Experience in District' from the staff's reporting District Employment is populated, report value
    •  Else if 'Yrs Experience in District' is null 
      1. Calculate by taking the difference between the original hire date (value calculated for hire date field) and the District Employment End Date (use current date if employment end date is blank)
        • MUST Report 0 if calculated value is less than one year
        • If > 1yr - Report calculated value as a whole number - normal rounding rules apply.
  2. Else leave as null/blank

Census > People > District Assignment > Staff Assignment Code

Census > People > District Employment > Yrs Experience in District

Census > People > District Employment > Original Hire Date

Census > People > District Employment > End Date

The total number of years that an individual has previously held a Teacher or Principal position overall.
  1. If staff member has any assignment in the current scope year with a title code = 14-19, 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, or 139-140 (teacher or principal):
    • Calculate as follows:
      1. If 'Yrs Experience in District' from the staff's reporting District Employment is populated:
        • Report the sum:  'Yrs Experience in District' + 'Teaching Years Modifier'.  
      2. Else, if 'Yrs Experience in District' is not populated: 
        • Find the difference between the original hire date (value calculated for hire date field) and the District Employment End Date  (use current date if employment end date is blank)
        • Report the sum:  Calculated value + 'Teaching Years Modifier'
    • If result< 1, report 0.
    • If result >=1, report value as a whole number - normal rounding rules apply.
  2. Else, leave as null/blank.

Census > People > District Assignment > Staff Assignment Code

Census > People > District Employment > Yrs Experience in District

Census > People > District Employment > End Date

Census > People > District Employment > Teaching Years Modifier

_etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource


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Employment Status Descriptors

Ed-Fi Code ValueNameSpaceShort Description
Curi:// Personnel
Suri:// Term Substitute
Nuri:// Personnel
Ruri:// Related Service Provider
Turi:// Term Substitute

Separation Reason Descriptor
namespaceEd-Fi Code ValueShort Description
uri:// NM and teaching in other state
uri:// for reasons other than retirement
uri:// to teach in private school in NM
uri:// to other public/charter NM district
uri:// non-teaching position in district
uri:// reasons
uri:// of Contract
uri:// of Teaching License
uri:// prior to end of contract
uri:// prior to completion of contract
uri:// in force/staff
uri:// of absence (i.e. Permanent leave of absence due to illness or another reason)
uri:// Service
uri:// in Another Country
uri:// Corps/ACTION
uri:// of Short Term Contract
uri:// to teach in BIE (Bureau of Indian Education) school in NM
uri:// Reason

Level Of Education Institution Descriptor

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
1Alabama - ALuri:// - AL
2Alaska - AKuri:// - AK
3Arizona - AZuri:// - AZ
4Arkansas - ARuri:// - AR
5California - CAuri:// - CA
6Colorado - COuri:// - CO
7Connecticut - CTuri:// - CT
8Delaware - DEuri:// - DE
9District of Columbia - DCuri:// of Columbia - DC
10Florida - FLuri:// - FL
11Georgia - GAuri:// - GA
12Hawaii - HIuri:// - HI
13Idaho - IDuri:// - ID
14Illinois - ILuri:// - IL
15Indiana - INuri:// - IN
16Iowa - IAuri:// - IA
17Kansas - KSuri:// - KS
18Kentucky - KYuri:// - KY
19Louisiana - LAuri:// - LA
20Maine - MEuri:// - ME
21Maryland - MDuri:// - MD
22Massachusetts - MAuri:// - MA
23Michigan - MIuri:// - MI
24Minnesota - MNuri:// - MN
25Mississippi - MSuri:// - MS
26Missouri - MOuri:// - MO
27Montana - MTuri:// - MT
28Nebraska - NEuri:// - NE
29Nevada - NVuri:// - NV
30New Hampshire - NHuri:// Hampshire - NH
31New Jersey - NJuri:// Jersey - NJ
32New York - NYuri:// York - NY
33North Carolina - NCuri:// Carolina - NC
34North Dakota - NDuri:// Dakota - ND
35Ohio - OHuri:// - OH
36Oklahoma - OKuri:// - OK
37Oregon - ORuri:// - OR
38Pennsylvania - PAuri:// - PA
39Rhode Island - RIuri:// Island - RI
40South Carolina - SCuri:// Carolina - SC
41South Dakota - SDuri:// Dakota - SD
42Tennessee - TNuri:// - TN
43Texas - TXuri:// - TX
44Utah - UTuri:// - UT
45Vermont - VTuri:// - VT
46Virginia - VAuri:// - VA
47Washington - WAuri:// - WA
48West Virginia - WVuri:// Virginia - WV
49Wisconsin - WIuri:// - WI
50Wyoming - WYuri:// - WY
51Outside USAuri:// USA
55University of New Mexicouri:// of New Mexico
56New Mexico State Universityuri:// Mexico State University
57New Mexico Highlands Universityuri:// Mexico Highlands University
58Western New Mexico Universityuri:// New Mexico University
59Eastern New Mexico Universityuri:// New Mexico University
60New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technologyuri:// Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
61University of Albuquerqueuri:// of Albuquerque
62Santa Fe University of Art & Design (formerly College of Santa Fe) -Closeduri:// Fe University of Art & Design (formerly College of Santa Fe) -Closed
63University of the Southwest (formerly College of the Southwest)-Hobbsuri:// of the Southwest (formerly College of the Southwest)-Hobbs
64St. John's Collegeuri:// John's College
65New Mexico Military Instituteuri:// Mexico Military Institute
66College of Artesiauri:// of Artesia
67Central New Mexico Community Collegeuri:// New Mexico Community College
68Institute of American Indian Arturi:// of American Indian Art
69Luna Vocational-Technical Instituteuri:// Vocational-Technical Institute
70Navajo Community Collegeuri:// Community College
71New Mexico Junior Collegeuri:// Mexico Junior College
72Northern New Mexico Community Collegeuri:// New Mexico Community College
73San Juan Collegeuri:// Juan College
74Santa Fe Community Collegeuri:// Fe Community College
75Mesa Technical Collegeuri:// Technical College
76Clovis Community Collegeuri:// Community College
77Southwestern College (Santa Fe)uri:// College (Santa Fe)
78Wayland Baptist Universityuri:// Baptist University
79University of Phoenixuri:// of Phoenix
80Western Governor's Universityuri:// Governor's University
81National American Universityuri:// American University
82ITT Technical Instituteuri:// Technical Institute
83Webster University - Albuquerqueuri:// University - Albuquerque
84Navajo Technical University - Crownpointuri:// Technical University - Crownpoint
85Cooperative Educational Services (CES)uri:// Educational Services (CES)
86Fort Lewis College - Durango COuri:// Lewis College - Durango CO