Extended Learning Opportunities (iNHDEX)

Tool Search: iNHDEX 

iNHDEX (Initiative for New Hampshire’s Data Exchange) is the Statewide Student Information System being deployed and phased into all New Hampshire public schools and districts over the next three years (2023-2025).

Extended Learning Opportunities

High schools should report all students participating in an extended learning opportunity (ELO) during the school year. An ELO allows for acquiring knowledge outside the traditional classroom through opportunities such as internships, community service, online courses, etc. One record should be submitted for each ELO course a student attends. Schools are expected to certify they have zero records if there is no data to report. 

One record should be submitted for each ELO course a student attends. Students participating in multiple ELO courses should have the same number of records included in the submission. For example, a student participating in three ELO courses should have three records in the submission.

Image of the iNHDEX Report Editor.iNHDEX Report Editor

Report Logic

Report students in grades 09-12 scheduled into a course with a Course Type of any of the following:
  • APP - Apprenticeship
  • ATH - Athletics
  • CE - Career Exploration
  • CS - Community Service
  • INT - Internship
  • IS - Independent Study
  • OLC - On-Line Course Not VLAC course
  • PG - Performing Group
  • PCC - Pre-College Course
  • PI - Private Instruction
  • ROB - Robotics
  • TRAV - Travel
  • VLAC - Virtual Learning Academy
  • WBLE - Work Based Learning - External Partner
  • WBLI - Work Based Learning - In School

Exclude the following students from the report:

  • No Shows
  • Exclude State Reporting
  • Exclude Grade
  • Exclude Calendar
  • State Excluded Courses

Report Editor

Data ElementDescription
Set Up
Search CalendarsUse the search field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All option. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.
Show Active Year  Only

Only calendars for the active school year are available for selection when set to ON.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection based on the user's tool rights. 

Report Options
Extract Type
Determines which iNHDEX report generates.
  • Extended Learning Opportunities
Start Date / End Date
Dates determine the time frame of the extract. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen using the calendar icon.
Display Course NumberThe course number is displayed on the report when the checkbox is selected.
Ad Hoc FilterAllows for the selection of a previously created filter. Only students included in the selected filter return on the report. 
Output Options
Report ProcessingGenerate Now: Select to generate the report immediately,
Submit to Batch: Select when you want to determine when the report is generated. Submit to Batch is useful when generating reports for several calendars or larger amounts of reported data. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format TypeDetermines in which format the report is generated.
  • CSV (State Format)
  • HTML

Generate the Extract

  1. Select the School(s)/Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  2. Select Extended Learning Opportunities in the Extract Type droplist.
  3. Enter a Start Date.
  4. Enter an End Date.
  5. Mark the Display Course Number checkbox to include in the report.   
  6. Select an Ad Hoc Filter, if desired.
  7. Mark Generate Now or Submit to Batch.
  8. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated.
  9. Click the Generate button to generate the report in the desired format. 

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
sauNbrThe school administrative unit number.

Numeric, 3 digits
District Information > District Detail > SAU Number

distNbrThe district number.

Numeric, 3 digits
District Information > District Detail > State District Number

schoolNbrThe school number.

Numeric, 5 digits
School Information > School Detail > State School Number

sasIdThe student's State-assigned student identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

dobThe student's date of birth.

Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY
Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

eloTypeThe ELO Type Code.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters
Courses > Course Information > Type

eloSubjectArea1Reports the primary subject area of the course.
ELO Subject Areas
1Arts Education
2English / Language Arts
3Health Education
4Physical Education
5Information and Communication Tech.
8Social Studies
9Technology / Engineering
10World Languages
Numeric, 2 digits
Courses > Course Information > ELO Subject Area

eloCareerClusterThe ELO Career Cluster code.

Numeric, 2 digits
Courses > Course Information > ELO Career Cluster

eloCommunityPartnerThe ELO Community Partner/Mentor. 

Alphanumeric, 100 characters
Courses > Course Information > ELO Partner

offCampusEloIndicates an off-campus ELO.
Reports "Y" if 'Off Campus ELO" is marked. Otherwise, reports, "N".

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y/N
Courses > Course Information > Off Campus ELO

wereEloCreditsEarnedIndicates if ELO credits were earned.
Reports "N" if 'Credits Earned" = 0. Otherwise, reports, "Y".

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y/N
Transcripts > Credits Earned

TranscriptCredit. creditsEarned
eloCreditsEarnedThe ELO Credits Earned.Transcripts > Credits Earned

TranscriptCredit. creditsEarned
eloCreditsAttemptedThe ELO Credits Attempted.Transcripts > CreditsAttempted

TranscriptCredit. creditsAttempted

Example Report

Screenshot of an Example iNHDEX Extended Learning Opportunities Report in the CSV State Format.Example iNHDEX Extended Learning Opportunities Report- CSV (State Format)