Enrollment (iNHDEX)

Tool Search: iNHDEX 

iNHDEX (Initiative for New Hampshire’s Data Exchange) is the Statewide Student Information System being deployed and phased into all New Hampshire public schools and districts over the next three years (2023-2025).

All districts must provide data for each student enrolled in their district at any point during the school year. All districts must also report students who are/were the financial responsibility of the school district but were placed out-of-district at nonpublic schools (in- or out-of-state), or at public schools out-of-state. The New Hampshire Department of Education uses this data to report datasets, including October 1st Enrollment Counts, Graduation and Dropouts, Participation Rates for state assessments, ADM and Adequacy Aid funding, State Assessments, and Federal Accountability reporting.


BOY Beginning of the Year
MOY Middle of the Year
EOY End of the Year

Screenshot of the iNHDEX Enrollment Editor.iNHDEX Enrollment Editor

Report Logic

Report all students who attended one or more school days during the selected calendar.
  • Excludes:
    • Homeschooled students
    • Adult Education students who are not enrolled full-time

Report all entries and dates for the student.

Report Exit Dates if the Enrollment has End Date and End Status.

A student can have more than one record for this report

Report Editor

Data Element Description
Set Up
Search Calendars Use the search field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All option. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.
Show Active Year  Only

Only calendars for the active school year are available for selection when set to ON.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection based on the user's tool rights. 

Report Options
Extract Type
Determines which iNHDEX report generates.
  • Enrollment
Start Date / End Date
Dates determine the time frame of the extract. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen using the calendar icon.
Ad Hoc Filter Allows for the selection of a previously created filter. Only students included in the selected filter return on the report. 
Output Options
Report Processing Generate Now: Select to generate the report immediately,
Submit to Batch: Select when you want to determine when the report is generated. Submit to Batch is useful when generating reports for several calendars or larger amounts of reported data. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format Type Determines in which format the report is generated.
  • CSV (State Format)
  • HTML

Generate the Extract

  1. Select the School(s)/Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  2. Select Enrollment in the Extract Type droplist.
  3. Enter a Start Date.
  4. Enter an End Date.
  5. Select an Ad Hoc Filter, if desired.
  6. Mark Generate Now or Submit to Batch.
  7. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated.
  8. Click the Generate button to generate the report in the desired format. 

Report Layout

Data Element Description Location
sauNbr The school administrative unit number.

Numeric, 3 digits
District Information > District Detail > SAU Number

distNbr The district number.

Numeric, 3 digits
District Information > District Detail > State District Number

schoolNbr The school number.

Numeric, 5 digits
School Information > School Detail > State School Number

sasId The student's State-assigned student identification number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

dob The student's date of birth.

Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY
Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

grade The student's grade level.

Numeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

enrollmentStatus The status of the student for the time period covered by the record.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrollment Status


entryDate The date the student entered the district for the period covered by the record.

Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

entryCode The reason the student entered school in this district on the entry date for this record. A separate record with the appropriate entry reason should be created every time a student enters or re-enters the district.

Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Local Start Status

exitDate The last day of a student's enrollment. This may be the date a student withdraws from the district or the date their enrollment status changes within the district (e.g., changing grade levels mid-year).

Date Field, MM/DD/YYYY
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > End Date

exitCode The reason for a student's exit.

Numeric, 3 digits
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Local End Status

districtResponsible The district that bears fiscal responsibility for the education of this child.

Numeric, 3 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Fiscal District

townResponsible The town that bears fiscal responsibility for the education of this child.

Numeric, 3 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Fiscal Town

fullDayPct The percent of the school week that is available for the given student. It indicates if the student is attending a full-day or partial-day program.

Numeric, 3 digits
 Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrollment

diplomaType The type of diploma received by the student.
Report Diploma Type if End Status is W11. Otherwise, report null.

Numeric, 2 digits
Graduation > General Graduation Information > Diploma Type

postGradPlans An indication of the student's plans following their completion of high school.

Numeric, 2 digits
Graduation > General Graduation Information > Post Grad Plans

race The student's race.
Report "9" if Race/Ethnicity is NULL. Otherwise, report Race/Ethnicity.

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Person Information >Race/Ethnicity


ethnicity The student's ethnicity.
Report "1" if the student is Hispanic or Latino. Otherwise, report "2".

Numeric, 2 digits
Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?"

sex The student's natal sex. Demographics > Gender

residentialHome Identifies the specific facility for students who live in a residential or group home.

Numeric, 3 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Residential Home

parentMilitaryCd Indicates if a student has a parent who is a member of the armed forces on active duty or serves on full-time National Guard duty.

Reports Code Based on Student's Parent/Guardian Military Status:

  1. If the student's Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) does not have a military status, report "1".
  2. Report "2" if the student's Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) have the Status of "Active Duty, Deployed" or "Active Duty, Not Deployed" AND is in one the Branch listed below:
    1. Air Force
    2. Army
    3. Coast Guard
    4. Marine Corps
    5. Navy
  3. Report "3" if the student's Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) have Status of "Active Duty, Deployed" or "Active Duty, Not Deployed" AND is in the Branch listed below:
    1. Air National Guard
    2. Army National Guard
  4. Report "4" if both 2 and 3 are true for the student.
  5. Report "5" if the student's Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) have Status of "Active Duty, Deployed" or "Active Duty, Not Deployed" AND is in the National Reserve listed below:
    1. Air Force Reserve
    2. Army Reserve
    3. Coast Guard Reserve
    4. Marine Corps Reserve
    5. Navy Reserve
Numeric, 1 digit
Census > People > Military Connections

fosterStatus Indicates if the student is in the foster system.
Reports "1" if the Program Status is "01: Foster Care". Otherwise, reports "0".

Numeric, 1 digit

Program Participation > Foster Care > Foster Care Detail


Example Report

Screenshot of an Example iNHDEX Enrollment Report in the CSV State Format.Example iNHDEX EnrollmentReport- CSV (State Format)