Maine Calendar

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Maine Calendar Tools

Within Calendar, there are nine tools: Calendar Details, Grade Levels, Schedule Structure, Terms, Periods, Days, Overrides, Attendance Periods, and Calendar GPA. While not all fields in these tools are specific to Maine, some of these fields are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. These tools and fields are described below. For all other inquires, please see the appropriate article linked above.


The Calendar tool stores basic information about the calendar, including many fields which impact how the calendar is included within state reports and accountability calculations. The Maine Calendar tool does not have any fields that are specific to Maine. These fields are not used for state reporting. Please see the Calendar Details article for all inquiries.

Screenshot of the Calendar Information tool. Maine Calendar Info Editor

Be aware that all state reports require at least one calendar in order to generate.

Grade Levels

The Grade Levels tab lists the grades that attend the selected school. Only students in the listed grades can be enrolled into that calendar. Fields that are specific to the state of Maine are defined below. Specific information to help clarify how certain fields affect reporting are also found below. Please see the Grade Levels article for all other inquiries.

Screenshot of the Grade Levels tool.  Maine Grade Level Detail Editor

State Grade Level Code

The Grade Level Code indicates the current grade level of the student.

Be sure that grade levels are properly mapped to the proper state codes.
It is recommended that separate calendars be created for any grade level with differing Start/End Dates.
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Schedule Structure

Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day. They allow the school calendars to have multiple schedules in one calendar, instead of having one calendar with each type of schedule. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the Schedule Structure article for more information.

Do NOT create multiple Schedule Structures within a calendar. Instead, create multiple, unique calendars for each Schedule Structure.


Calendar Terms list the type of calendar structure the school has - trimesters, quarters, etc. Also available on this tab are the start and end dates of the terms. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the Terms article for more information.


The Periods tab lists the names and the times of the periods meeting throughout a school day. The editor displays the period information based on the school selected in the Campus toolbar. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the Periods article for more information.

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Users may create as many period schedules for as many different scheduled days as the district offers.


Attendance Report


The Days tab provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tab also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any special events are assigned to a day, or if a particular day is not recording attendance, is not an instruction day, or is not a school day. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the Days article for more information.


Calendar overrides apply to the programs a school offers to students. Overrides may be set for a person or on a household address. Person overrides take precedence over the household address override. A student may be denied enrollment to a school if the student does not live at an address within the school boundary. In this case, the student would need to obtain a person override to attend the school based on a specific curriculum program or administrative decision. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the Overrides article for more information.

Calendar GPA

The Calendar GPA tab lists all available Custom GPA Calculation (name and type) that may be chosen for use within that calendar. They are ordered by the sequence entered for that calculation on the GPA Calculation tab. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of Maine. Please see the GPA Calculation article for more information.