Student Special Education Association Events (New Mexico v3.5)

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The student's special education events.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an Event Date is within the config year AND the related IEP overlaps the config year AND the student has an enrollment in the config year.

  • Do not send a record if the Event Date is not in the config year.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a school marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a Grade marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is State Excluded.
  • Do not send a record if Primary Area of Exceptionality = '3: Gifted Only'.
  • Only report 'Active' events that correspond to the reported IEP where Event Date falls on or before the current date and SPED Data Plan Participation End Date is null or falls on or after current date in the config year.

When any field part of the natural key is changed.


When any field not part of the natural key is changed.

DeleteThe IEP is deleted for a student.
DeleteIf the student's enrollment is marked as No Show.
DeleteIf the IEP no longer overlaps the configured year.
DeleteIf the active, reportable Event is deleted for a student.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
Student Special Education Association Event records will only send to the school year they are aligned to
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Special Education Event Type DescriptorsPlan Event Type Code
Special Education Event Reason DescriptorsPlan Event Reason Code 1
Special Education Non Compliance Reason DescriptorsPlan Non-compliance Reason

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
id The unique identifier of the resource.

Provide the code that represents the type of special education event.

Report the Event Type Code.


Student Information > Special Ed > General > Dcouments (NM Exceptionaltiy (state reporting) > Event Detail > *Event Type Code

eventDateProvide the date on which the event took place.

Note: Event Date needs to be in the configuration year. Special Education Event records from previous school years that weren't end dated do not need to be delivered to Nova.
  1. If the record's Event Date is not within the config year, do not report.
  2. Else, report the Event Date.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Dcouments (NM Exceptionaltiy (state reporting) > Event Detail > *Event Date

Special education event reason.
  1. Report code IF selected from 'Event Reason Code 1' on the Event Detail Editor for the reporting event of record.
  2. Else leave null/blank.
Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents (NM Exceptionality (state reporting) > Event Detail > Event Reason Code 1

Delay of initial placement IEP or IFSP
  1. Report code IF selected from 'Non-compliance Reason' on the Event Detail Editor for the reporting event of record.
  2. Else leave null/blank.
Student Information > Special Ed > General > Dcouments (NM Exceptionaltiy (state reporting) > Event Detail > Non-compliance Reason

Reference to existing student Special Education Program Associations record:  begin date, educationOrganizationId, programEducationOrganizationId, programName, programTypeDescriptor, studentUniqueId


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource


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Special Education Event Type Descriptor

Code Value
Short Description
11uri:// Education Exit or Known to be Continuing
1010uri:// Written Parental Consent for Medicaid and/or Private Insurance.
1212uri:// Written Notification to Parent/Guardian regarding Medicaid and/or Private Insurance
1313uri:// senior who has a current IEP with written prior notice that will receive a conditional certificate of transition. CONTINUING IEP – MUST BE IN SCHOOL.
1414uri:// senior who has a current IEP with prior written notice that student will receive a conditional certificate of transition – TRANSITION MAY/MAY NOT BE IN SCHOOL
1818uri:// C to B (Indicator 12) - Date referral received from Part C (Item a of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
22uri:// Notification of the transfer of rights has occurred
2020uri:// C to B (Indicator 12) - 90 day transition conference date
2121uri:// C to B (Indicator 12)- Eligibility Determination- YES
2222uri:// C to B (Indicator 12)- Initial Placement IEP date or date when IEP was developed prior to third birthday (Item c of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
2323uri:// C to B (Indicator 12)- IEP Implementation (when student started receiving special education services under Part B prior to third birthday) (Item c of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
2424uri:// C to B (Indicator 12)- Eligibility Determination – NO must be determined prior to third birthday. (Item b of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
2525uri:// C to B (Indicator 12) - Determined to be eligible for early intervention services under Part C less than 90 days before third birthday. (Item e of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
2626uri:// C to B (Indicator 12) - Parent refused to provide consent for evaluation or initial services. (Item d of equation a-b-d-e ÷ c)
33uri:// consent revoked for Special Education & Related Services (34 CFR §300.300 (b)(4))
3030uri:// B (Indicator 11) - Parental Consent Initial Evaluation Only
3131uri:// B (Indicator 11) - Initial Evaluation Only
3232uri:// B (Indicator 11) - Initial EDT Eligibility Determination - YES
3333uri:// B (Indicator 11) - Initial EDT Eligibility Determination - NO
3434uri:// B - Initial IEP Date
3535uri:// B (Indicator 11) - A child enrolls in a school or another public agency after the timeframe for initial evaluations has begun, and prior to a determination by the child’s previous public agency as to whether the child is a child with a disability.
3636uri:// B (Indicator 11) - Parent fails or refuses to produce the child for evaluation (at least three documented attempts)
3737uri:// missed timeline (Indicators 11 and 12)
44uri:// Communication Needs Consideration Form was completed at the IEP for student who is deaf or hard of hearing, or Blind or Visually Impaired, regardless of the disability regardless of the disability.
4040uri:// LEA assures that compliance has been met for the following Post-secondary Transition Goals. Now Required for 14 and older.
55uri:// Communication Needs Considered at the IEP for student who is. Note: When Developing IEPs for students who are blind or have a visual impairment the IEP team must consider instruction in Braille unless the team determines after an evaluation that Braille is not needed.
66uri:// - Date of referral for special education
99uri:// consent revoked for Medicaid and/or Private Insurance (34 CFR §300.154 (d)(2)(v)(D))

Special Education Event Reason Descriptor

Code Value
Short Description
1Returned to regular education (no longer receiving special education)uri:// to regular education (no longer receiving special education)
10Graduated with Diploma on Modified Option (Does not end FAPE)uri:// with Diploma on Modified Option (Does not end FAPE)
11Graduated with Diploma on Ability Option (Does not end FAPE)uri:// with Diploma on Ability Option (Does not end FAPE)
4Reached Maximum Ageuri:// Maximum Age
5Died WDuri:// WD
6Student has transferred out to another PED District or State Charter.uri:// has transferred out to another PED District or State Charter.
8Dropped Outuri:// Out
9Graduated with Diploma on Standard Option (FAPE ends)uri:// with Diploma on Standard Option (FAPE ends)

Special Education Non Compliance Reason Descriptor

Code Value
Short Description
1414uri:// from Part C by Parent prior to child’s third birthday. (Indicator 12 only)
1818uri:// C referred child less than 90 days before the child’s 3rd birthday
2020uri:// moved out of the school district's educational jurisdiction
2121uri:// graduated before IEP corrected.
2222uri:// dropped out of school before IEP corrected.
3030uri:// service provider available to complete evaluation (Use for Indicator 11)
3131uri:// scheduling issues/ Difficulty scheduling IEP with parent/ Evaluation delays (Use for Indicator 11 or 12)
3232uri:// day/3rd birthday on weekend, holiday or during other school closure (Use for Indicator 11 or 12)
3333uri:// request delay in IEP meeting (Use for Indicator 12)
3434uri:// request delay in completion of evaluation (Indicator 11 only)
77uri:// Died WD